Chapter 22

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" but I don't understand why didn't you come as soon as you can?"

" Nkosiyabo were you going to just believe me if I said I was related to you right after the deaths of your parents?"

" But then we were going to do ama DNA test to prove it"

" Nkosi stop deceiving yourself ngoba you guys were going to see me as someone who is after your parents money and besides that , I was discovered right after your parents death. I don't know how but they know about me hence I didn't come as soon as I can because I would have endangered your life as well as your sisters life. "

"So what does all of this mean? I mean you are now here does it mean our lives are in danger? And also I want to know if Shria your wife is a real attorney. "

" Well your lives aren't exactly in danger because I am able to protect you but obviously I am not God. "

" And yes Nkosi , I am a professional attorney. Your parents came to me after finding out the hypocrisy of their lawyer and therefore handed their important assets to me. " Shria said

" Oh I get you, sorry if that came across as an insult. I am just a bit astonished at the sudden news. "

" Well believe it we are family. Ngiyaxolisa for not coming earlier, I thought it was idea to give you guys space but I was there for you. I made sure that you guys are not bothered by anyone. "

" Kulungile babumdala kodwa nginombuzo , kungani ubaba engazange aliphathe igama lakho ?"

" Well I met your father recently, I was born out of wedlock so I was kinda an abomination to the Zulu kingdom. I didn't know that I have royal blood running through my veins so meeting your father was unexpected. We met through a common client apparently we looked the same  and so he found our resemblance weird. We were also shocked but then we did DNA test just to be on the safe side and guess what? The results came positive. I was so excited for finally having a sibling even though it was for a short period of time.( Frowning )"

" I can't imagine how hard it was for you. "

" I made a promise to ubafo ngamtshela ukuthi ngizokwenza konke ukuse mandleni ami ukuthi ngini vikele. Yingako ngila actually. As much as kunzima but we have to go back to our roots. Abaphansi bayangihlupha "

" So when you say kumele sibuyele emasisweni does it mean we have to go to Kzn, a place that I don't even know?"

" Yeah , I get you but we don't have a choice things are not going well on my side and I think you are also suffering from the dreams. Ngiyacela we need to urgently go before Friday. "

" Kodwa nginohambo ngilwesihlanu. I promised uSihle ukuthi we are going to see her sister slash mother in KZN. So angazi what am I going to say kuye ?, she loves her. "

" Sizoba khona isikhathi sokubonana noNdlunkulu. "

" What do you mean?"

" Ngilambile anifuni ukudla ?"

" Kodwa...."

" Muyeke son uzoba right ukuthi nje ubambekile kodwa within a few minutes uzoba right?" Shria said

" Shria or mamkhulu kanti ukwazi ukhuluma isizulu?"

" ( Laughing) kuningi ungakwazi ngam stick with me and I will show you flames or kanjani sthandwa" Shria said

" Yebo kunjalo mkami " Bhekimuzi said

" Usuya kwazi ukhuluma manje kahle kahle kwezakalani lana ?"

" I will explain everything later on right now I am hungry. I need serious food. " He replied

" Ashambe Nkosi " Shria said

" Ncaa uhamba nami undodana umfazi maka hambele phambili ashiye amadoda wodwa emuva. "

" Asithembe ukuthi amadoda lawo aya kwazi ukubamba inkonzo ngaphandle kwam"

" Ncaa mkami ayi kanjalo phela umamfundisi uye ophethe isonto.Ngingayini nkosiyam "

" Myeni wam angizingeni ithi ngiye ezinganeni zami. "

" Hawu kodwa mlungu wam wena umuhle, ngizokuthengela imoto. "

Yazi these people are talking about adulting in front of me.

" Babumdala kanti ungumfundisi ?"

" ( Laughing) "

" Hai wena ungenzi ngathi awazi ukuthi sikhuluma ngani   phela I know ukuthi uqalile udlana namantombazane. " Shria said

" Ha mina mamkhulu ? Mina I am still as pure as a baby. " I said

Never ever had I thought ukuthi I would see this side of Shria. The Shria that I know is always serious not the jolly one.

" Hai wena ungazo dlala ngam. Ngiyazi ukuthi Kade wangena ensimini ka Eva. "

" Baba ngilambile ngicela ukuyodla "

" ( Laughing) baba you are traumatizing the poor child. " Shria said

" ( Laughing) child kuphi yindoda le,uMageba , uNdabezitha. " Baba said

I was a complete joke to my uncle and her wife. They kept on teasing me till we got to dinning room. What I saw in the dinning room made my heart melt. My sister being genuinely happy and bonding with her new profound family and I could see that she is having a great time.

Breakfast went well, it seemed as if we have known each other for a long time. Laughing and teasing was all that happened. We shared our childhood memories and wow my uncle seems to be have been a player back then in his time. After eating, I went to the my bedroom to listen to the recording and there is something strange that I heard , Siphosihle kept screaming Hlelolwenkosi's name as if she was in danger and she kept fighting me telling me to go and help my wife. I don't why but I found that very strange in fact everything is strange , nothing is making sense at the moment maybe ubabu Bhekimuzi knows what all of this means but I really don't know if I should trust him.

" Nkosiyabo you can trust me. I am here for you"

What!! Can this person read minds. The only thing that is worrying me is who the hell is this man ?how can I even trust him ?

" Kanti ke I am not a mind reader. I am just a message I know that you are probably asking yourself who am I. I was around your age when everything started , I was never a person who believed in ancestors or anything like that but uba ? Amadlozi made my life a living hell till I actually accepted the calling. I was told that the right time would arrive for me to form alliances with certain people with the help of someone. I thought ubhuti was the chosen one kanti I was wrong you are the chosen one. I can't explain certain things but I believe ugogo wakho would do a better job than me. "

" Is that why you said a lot of things that didn't make sense earlier on ?"

" Yha that's why but please don't worry everything will be fine. First things first we have to reconnect with the ancestors bese ziyakhala. "

" Hai hai ngicela ungasho njalo. "

" ( Chuckling) I don't have control over most things but I will help wherever I can just promise me that you will always be open minded. "

" Angazi kuyobonakala khona."

"( Chuckling)  unekani wena futhi ngathi uhambo lusazoba lude. "

( I just hope for his sake, everything goes well in the upcoming months. ) Bhekimuzi thought to himself.

Author's note
Hi guys please note that this chapter is not edited.

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