Chapter 21

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I eventually managed to sleep and I made sure that I put my phone on record just in case my baby sister has a dream. Most people would not understand my relationship between me and my sister, they thought I was going to be that older brother that would never share or bath his sister but they got it all wrong. Yes maybe if our parents were still alive I was going to be like that but their death taught me how to be a mother and father   at the same time.

I was so tired to a point that I was waken up by uSihle telling me that she is hungry and that she does not want to be late for school. I felt like crying because you know that one feeling that you get when you are really having a great sleep and suddenly someone disturbs you from that sleep , yha that's exactly how I felt.

Knowing my baby sister, she was never going to allow me to sleep again I had to immediately wake up and prepare breakfast. I didn't tell her that she is not going to school today because I really didn't know how she was going to react but knowing her I have to pray and hope she doesn't ask a lot of questions.

" Sihle woza la " I called. I saw that the more I prolonged the matter the harder it was going to be.

" Bhuti you are going to make me late for school and why aren't you ready for school?" She said.

I knew that it was going to be a challenge uzibuze ukuthi why ingane ihlakaniphe kanje.

" Nana we are not going to school today and maybe for the rest of the week. "

" Kungani ngingayi eskolweni?"

" My baby, sis wam engimuthandayo we are not going to school because we don't have a choice, do you remember what happened?"

" Bhuti I saw ubaba no mama and they told me to tell you that we must go back to our roots in their exact words kumele sibuyele emasisweni. But I still don't get why I am not going to school. "

" Siphosihle we going to KZN this Friday but there are some things that we need to fix like looking for a new school and a place to stay. "

" Kanti bhuti aren't we going to go for the weekend then return on Monday ?"

" Unfortunately nope right now I am waiting for our parents lawyer so that we can discuss everything. I am going to take a shower, please make sure that you tidy up where you can then I will make breakfast when I am done. "

" Okay as long as we are going to video call usis wam ( pouting) "

" Sihle hamba , I want to shower. "

I took my toiletries and went inside the bathroom. While I was scrubbing my body, I kept thinking about my meeting with Ms Shria. The way her and her husband spoke, it's like we are related especially with the husband because it's quite clear that Shria is a Indian unless.... but nope she doesn't have the features of my family.

I took more time to shower than usually. I think it's was because I kept trying to solve a very hard and complicated puzzle. When I went to my room , I found it very clean and neat and I felt slightly proud of my sister, I mean I am a good teacher after all. My wardrobe was packed neatly.

After  a long battle of deciding what to wear , I went for my black shorts with my white hoodie and beanie along with my white slides. I know that I like too much white for a boy but I am a neat gent  so obviously white is going to be my thing.

As soon as I was done with everything I received a text from Shria asking me if she should bring breakfast for us.

" Sihle what do you want for breakfast" I shouted from my room.

I thought she was not going to hear me , I mean I am calling her from upstairs and I don't really know where she is.

" I am craving for amagwinya ne special " she responded coming out from her room.

I told Shria what we wanted and they said they are on their way. I am honestly nervous about today. I mean already this week seems to have a lot of problems speaking of problems I haven't checked my phone since it was on record, and I didn't bother to the recording, I just went on with my life.

I wanted to listen to the recordings before Shria and her husband arrived but I was late because as I was about to stop the recording, there was a knock on the door. Nerves were killing me as I went downstairs to open the door.

" Hi welcome" I greeted them

By them I mean Shria ,her husband and their two children, one girl and one boy.

" Hi I hope you don't mind us bringing our two children uhm we thought it was going to be a good idea to bring them to entertain Sihle. " Shria said while standing at the door.

" It's okay no problem , you can come in. I am guessing ubaba la is uMr Zulu the one that I spoke to earlier on the phone who is your husband right Ms Shria ?"

" Oh yes he is, Nkosi this is my husband,Bhekimuzi Zulu and my princess here is Amahle and my prince is Sizwe. Sizwe , Amahle this is your brother Nkosiyabo , you guys will meet your other sister in a moment. "

For a moment I was astonished , you know if someone had told me that I have other siblings last week, I was not going to believe them. But I can see that I am making the kids uncomfortable by just looking at them.

" Hi guys, nice to meet you. " I said. I honestly didn't know what to say to them, like I didn't know how to address them.

" Nice to meet you too bhuti." They both said simultaneously.

" Okay guys since we are done with the pleasantries please give us space to speak to your brother. " Their mom said

Obviously they don't know the house. So calling uSihle would be the best choice ever.

" Sihle please come over I need you to meet a few people. " I said

Like an obedient child, she came and I introduced her to her siblings which she was very happy to meet which made my heart melt and well they become friends there and there. At least I won't have to worry about my sister being antisocial since she has new friends who are her age.

" Excuse me my elders may we please go to the study. Sihle please divide the food for everyone and we will come over when we are done talking. " I said

" Okay bhuti wam. Nice to meet you malume no malumekazi. " She replied.

Sihle left everyone gobsmacked with her statement but of course I expected it from her after all she is an adult in a child's body.

We were on our way to the study room and the only thing that I could think of is why didn't my father inform us of his family and what if we are not related but you can see the resemblance from Shria 's husband that he is related to my father.

As soon as we got in I exploded

" Please pardon me if this sounds disrespectful but what the hell is going on ?"

" Son please take a seat and I will explain everything." Bhekimuzi said.

" Okay I am now sitting down please explain what is going on ? How come are we related and why didn't we see you while our parents were alive ?"

" Okay son where do I start. Uhm okay so ngegama I am uBhekimuzi Zulu the,last born in the family. Your father was my brother, he and I didn't share the mother but the same father and that's why I was raised in Joburg while he was raised in KZN. Angimazi ubaba, nami I found out about him when I was sick and needed some rituals to be done. I also didn't know about my siblings, so I met your father through our mutual friend and we did the DNA just to confirm if we are related for which they did. I was excited to finally meet someone who is related to my father but your father didn't feel the same way. At first I didn't understand but then I understood everything when he explained. His life was in danger and he didn't want to put mine in danger since he ran away from the royal family. He was going to introduce us but then he died before he could but then his last words was that I protect you guys with my everything and help you with your journey and from that day I vowed to protect you and your sister. "

" But I don't understand why didn't you come as soon as you can ?"

To be continued.....

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