Chapter Four- Italy

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Note: Italian to English translation are in brackets, also I am not Italian and I do not speak but it a language I fancy.

Chapter Four- Italy


"Mia bellissima ragazza, bentornata signorina Giulia" an elderly man rambled the moment he spotted us coming out of the arrival terminal, Giulia dropped her luggage and rushed over to hug him ecstatically while I hurried behind her in a struggle with mine and her luggage. (my beautiful girl, welcome back Miss Giulia)

She enclosed him in a tight hug, "Signor Aldo, è così bello rivederla, come sta Nana Rosanella?", she rambled in Italian more in Italian that I could not neither hear nor understand. (Mr Aldo, it's so nice to see you again, how is Nana Rosanella?)

"Sir Aldo, this is Emily, she is my friend from the university and Emily this is Sir Aldo, he works for my brother and he manages our house" Giulia introduced

"It is nice meeting you sir" I greeted

"And you too miss Emily, I wondered when Giulia was going to visit us again after two years but this time she has brought a friend, I am certain you will enjoy your stay in Italy" he said nicely

"Thank you for having me"

"Of course. This way, the car is waiting outside, your brother is also around but he would be going out soon, hopefully we are able to catch him before he leaves" he said as he led us out of the airport.

A beautiful BMW was waiting outside just like the one Giulia drives in the university, the driver came down from the car and helped us with our bags while we got into the car.

Italy was beautiful, it made me wonder why Giulia had not bothered to come home in the past two years, did she not miss home or her brother at least, he was her only blood relative, Giulia never knew her mother, and her father died of cancer when she was eight, so her brother was kind of her parent, that was something her and I have in common except hers abandoned her a month after her birth something about jolting with a lover, she did not really go into details but I guess she just did not want to talk about it but just wanted me to know about it.

I looked outside of the window as we passed the streets while she chatted away with Mr Aldo, they seemed extremely close like how a family member would be, maybe they were but were not related by blood.

The car pulled up into a dock and we boarded a mini yacht, it was nice to be in the sea, the cool breeze fanning my face and the beauty of the waters, I realized that coming to Italy was a good decision, I might not have been able to come here in the future.

Giulia informed me that we would be staying in one of her family's beach house in Salento, she had been gushing none stop about the beaches and the houses there.

We finally pulled up into another dock and a car was there to drive us to the beach house, it was already evening and I was feeling quite exhausted nonetheless the trip had been fascinating so far.

There were two men waiting outside the moment we pulled up into the beach house, a beach house should be an understatement, weren't beach house meant to be casual and simple but it was the complete opposite of what I was seeing.

Giulia greeted the two men warmly, she seemed to be quite familiar with them, they were quite young maybe slightly older than I was but they both looked very similar.

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