Chapter Thirty- The Lion's Den

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30. The Lion's Den


Maybe I should have waited for him to open the door himself rather than just barging into his room.

"Emily!" He called out, his face covered with a stunned expression.

"I—I," I stuttered unable to find my words, my mind clouded by the sight before me. Toned arm!, my mind screamed, my mouth immediately felt dried, it really made sense why those girls were not able to resist him, apart from his wealth, he was highly blessed in physique.

"Your words Emily," he said in a deep and intentionally seductive voice as he walked closer to me until he was standing just inches away. He was aiming to sway me and my body was easily reacting to it. He moved even closer that there was literally no space between us, I stumbled back and almost tripped, then I felt his arms around me preventing me from falling. "You should be careful Emily," he added still in the same voice, causing currents to run through my body, my heart beat raced.

He steadied me firmly back on my feet but his arm was still wrapped around me, his eyes were directly on me and mine was on his. My heart raced even more, I don't think a human heartbeat should ever be running that fast and I feared that any moment from now it would suddenly stop and then I would be on the ground lying died, but it didn't stop, I was still alive hypnotized under Giovanni's gaze.

"I have often imagined you in my room Millie," he whispered out but it was loud enough for me to hear. What did he mean by that? He had imagined me in this room, why?

"Why?" I asked, why would he imagine me in his room, the same room where you watched him do Florentina! My mind screamed and I immediately pushed him away, scrunching my nose up in disgust, of course that would be why he would imagine me in his room, he wanted me to end up like those girls.

He seemed taken aback by my sudden withdrawal from him, for a second, I could see a flicker of pain in his eyes, I scoffed, he was really good at this, he was playing his game right but I am not the stupid girl that he thinks I am. "You know— I look nothing like Florentina or Laura or the other girls that has entered this room and graced your bed." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You are obviously not," he gritted and immediately it felt like a dagger driven straight into my chest, I don't know why I am hurt to know that he did not think I was as attractive as the other girls, I should not be affected by this, I should not care about what he thinks of me but I could not stop myself from being affected by what he said.

I blinked, stepping further back about to make my way out of his room, I had clearly entered the lion's den unprepared. I will get my answers but maybe not now. I turned my back was almost out of the room when I felt his arms wrapped around my body. "You are so much beautiful than those girls. You are too good for me, I do not want to ruin you." He said.

I frozen upon hearing his words. There was the heart race again. What was this man doing to me? Why did he feel it was right to play such cruel games on me? Keep an open mind! Stefano's words immediately rang in my head, he was a good man and he did not deserve this, he was a total green flag while Giovanni was the complete red planet yet I could not stop myself from gravitating towards him. I freed myself from his embrace and turned to face him. "You are already ruining me Giovanni. Why are you playing such a game on me just because you want to get me into your bed" each word came out of my mouth like it burned my tongue.

He was quiet and unresponsive.

"Say something," I demanded gently. "You could get any girl in your bed yet you feel it is good to toll with my emotions and ruin my good natured self. You are turning me into a bad person and I dislike myself for even being remotely attracted to you."

"It is getting difficult to stay away from you." He breathed.

"What do you mean by that? How long have you known me?"

"For a long while," he answered.

"So you were really stalking me? Why?" I questioned.

"I had to make sure that you were safe," he replied and I blinked, staring at him in total confusion.

"Why would you want to keep me safe, we are not even related, I mean nothing to you. Do you also stalk Giulia?"

"She is always well protected, she is my sister."

"That makes a lot of sense but you trying to keep me safe makes no sense, I am nothing to you. I mean nothing to you." I stated confidently, I cannot waver now, this is about finally understanding my feelings.

"You mean everything to me!" He yelled out, the veins on his neck protruding out. He ran his hands through his hands before exhaling out deeply. "I am in love with you."

"What the hell! You are delusional. You are going too far in this sick game of yours," I sternly said. Enough is enough, Giovanni had to stop this silly game this instant. He was definitely not in love with me, he was literally still engaged just last week and then there was also his multiple lovers.

"It is the truth," he responded, there was not even a flicker in his voice. He was good, really good but I was not that stupid to believe the crazy words that was spewing easily from his mouth.

I chuckled "Really? You are in love with me Giovanni. You were engaged and then there was Florentina and others, is that your own definition of love. Look Giovanni you don't have to go to such lengths to get me into your bed." I said ending it with a frown on my face.

"It is not about getting you into my bed—"

"Then it is about what?. Explain it to me Giovanni cause I clearly don't understand what is going on here." I folded my hands across my chest. "You are telling me that you love me even though you had been engaged and you were even cheating greatly on your fiancée."

"Laura was—" he began then he stopped and silence followed next.

"You should not be silent now Giovanni, you had your fun planning to deceive me and it seemed like you thought well about it and you were even executing it quite easily, so forming words should not be a problem to you," I said firmly, still he did not say anything it even seemed like he was trying to avoid my eyes. So it was the truth. "Your silly games ends here." I added and turned to walk away but he stops me yet again and in a twinkle of an eye, he spins me around and planted his lips on mine, this time I was not foolish, I immediately pushed him away holding myself back from slapping him across the face. "What is wrong with you?" I asked in a wavering tone, I felt tears stream down my face. I should not be crying in front of this awful man, I hated the fact that I was being vulnerable in front of a man that thought so less of me, but I could not help myself at the moment. My tear glands must be against me, it had to be, I was so much stronger than this, maybe I was falling ill.

I was not expecting anything special or spectacular from Giovanni but it hurts to know that I was truly nothing but a pawn to him. I wiped my tears violently and immediately ran out of the room and I did not stop until I got to my room, entered into it and locking it before falling on my bed, and more tears came out.

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