Chapter Six- No Sleep Tonight

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6. No Sleep Tonight

I tossed and turned so much that I stopped counting when I reached the tenth turn, I couldn't sleep, no matter how hard I tried, Giulia was sounding sleeping in her own bed, there was even soft snores coming from her while I had turned to the ceiling to my front after I would have turned left and right. My body was against me tonight and it made me feel some sort of envy towards Giulia, the sleep had to be that good to be snoring so freely, my mind screamed, I know I was wrong by that, but maybe if I believed it, it will become the truth.

The night was dead silent, at least I think it was inside my room but I could be mistaken, the window of the room was closed and I am a hundred percent certain that if it was open, sounds from the beach waves would reach here.

I stood up from my bed, it was incredibly late, around after two in the morning, everyone was certainly asleep, maybe I could run to the kitchen to get a snack or something and that might actually help me.

I gave Giulia a final look before making my way to the door and out of the room. I strayed through the hall ways and walked down the stairs till I made it to the kitchen. I got there and helped myself with a glass of orange juice, not my first choice but there was no milk in the fridge.

The sound of the waves caught my ears from the open windows of the Kitchen facing the ocean that led to a veranda and then I decide to go outside, maybe a bit of the breeze would help me.

I sighed as I rested my body against the wooden frame of the veranda and took a small sip of my juice. I closed my eyes soaking in the tranquility of nature, but that tranquility was short-lived when I heard a sound, I thought I was mistaken or my mind was probably playing trucks on me and then I hear it again, a feminine voice "Fuck!" It was way louder that I was certain that I was thinking straight, the pack of sleep had not gotten to me yet.

I turned in the direction of the voice it was coming from the side of the house. I know I should not go to check it out but curiosity indeed killed the cat, it was certain that I would be one of those people that would die first in an horror movie, a rational person would flee at the hearing of strange voices but I was not being rational at the moment, my response to stimulus must be in reverse.

As I inched closer, I hear her say "You are killing me!" Those words made my heart beat incredibly fast, was someone getting harmed here?, was I about to witness a murder?, I thought this was private property, I do not think any member of Giulia family was capable of killing someone, they acted so nice earlier, it could not possibly be, can it?.

My mother was finally living her best life while I was here potentially risking my own life. I finally got to the root of the round, I was ready to scream to perhaps frighten the assailant away but I held myself back when the image in front of me became clear in my mind.

I was wrong, totally wrong, no one was getting killed at least not in the normal getting killed way, I was certain that my mouth was opened down, the window was complete glass and it was certain that I was not imagining things.

"Fu-ck Giovanni, oh my God!" The female said in a strong Italian accent as a moan soon accompanied as Giovanni drove into her like a moving train. His grunts and her moans filled the room while I shamelessly watched, I should move away, I should not be here but my body has failed me.

He held her down on a couch in his strong arms, even in the dark I could see properly while she was on all fours, screaming her lungs out, pumping in and out of her and I had not yet moved, what the hell was wrong with me?, move!, move!, this is not your first time witnessing this, lies, lies, it was my first. The image before me put a big slap on my own first time and then I feel it, without even realizing it, I was dripping wet. It knocked me back to my senses and this time I was going to walk away but it was too late, Giovanni perks up and he turned in my direction as though he had sensed my presence, his dark eyes were strongly on me but he did not stop his missionary on the woman beneath who definitely was in too much ecstasy to have caught on on what was happening, there was literally a freak staring at her having sex and I was that freak, I certainly do not want someone to be staring at me if I was the one in that position, not that I wanted to be in that position, wrong!, my mind screamed.

He smirks, he legitimately smirked at me, "do you like that Florentina?" He asked the woman his voice sounded so sensual and his eyes were still on me.

"Yes!, yes!, fill me up, fuck!" The woman screamed or rather Florentina screamed. This was definitely not a good way to meet someone new.

"Of course" he casually responded like she had just said the most common thing and that was it, I fled.

I ran into the house like I was being chased by an armed robber and when I got to the room, I entered inside immediately closing the door with a loud thud which had woken Giulia up.

"Hey, what's going on?" She asks in a groggily voice.

"Nothing" I responded quickly, how could I tell her that, her brother was furiously pounding into a girl downstairs and I had watched them do it, and so I added "The wind— I just forgot to close the door gently"

She eyes me suspiciously "what were you doing downstairs?"

"Getting a drink, I couldn't sleep" I responded at least that was the reason I had chosen to go downstairs in the first place, it is not my fault that I happened to stumble upon a forbidden scene. But you stayed to watch. My mind mocked.

"Alright!, I am up now, maybe we could watch a movie, that might help" she said getting up from the bed.

I nodded quickly "definitely". Anything to take my mind off what I had just witnessed but there was still a problem, how would I face him in the morning?.

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