Chapter Twenty Three- Walk on the beach

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23. Walk on the beach


Stefano was standing outside by a black car when I got out of the house, he smiled when he noticed me and walked up to me and I kind of met him half way.

"Hey!" I waved, "I was not expecting you today," I admitted. I thought he would also be resting like I was after last night.

"Yeah. I came to see if you were okay" he responded "Would you like to take a walk on the beach with me?" He requested.

"Sure," I responded without even thinking it through, maybe there was nothing to think through in the first place. It was not a big deal to take a walk on a beach with someone.

"Thank you" he smiled and we both ventured towards to the direction of the beach.


We were currently walking on the sand a bit far from the water. The sun was already coming down, creating twilight, it was beautiful just like it looked in the movies. It was indeed breathtaking, I have not seen such a view in a pretty long time. The times I have been on the beach during this trip was when it was nightfall and in the afternoon so I have not had the chance to witness this.

"Last night was fun" he commented and I tore my eyes from the view turning my attention to him immediately, he was the reason we were taking this walk in the first place.

"Yeah, it was" I responded, it seriously was, apart from the unwanted events that took place "I might have had too much fun," I chuckled.

"It was good though, you seemed free than you usually are," he said easily like he had not thought of his words. "Not that you are usually stiff" he quickly adds. "I don't know, I am usually good with words, that one just managed to slip out without me thinking" he concluded.

I chuckled, "Well it is good to know that sometimes you can be not so perfect," I said to lighten the atmosphere, my own way of saying that I was not offended by his words, his words were somehow kind of true, I was never the bubble outwardly girl.

"You think I am perfect," he chuckles.

"More like kept or put together," I responded "No one can actually be perfect but trust me, you are definitely one of those ones that is close to it, the good guys, you managed my alcohol stricken self last night," I added.

"It was good watching you have fun really, you looked beautiful doing it" he complimented and I was certain that I turned a shade of pink, thankfully the slightly dark skies would not make him see it.

"Yeah. I had so much fun that I can not remember how I got home. Thank you for bringing me home last night,"

"Hmm..., about that. I did not bring you home last night," he revealed and then I immediately stopped walking and he stops as well.

"Oh!. Who brought me home then?" I asked, so much for Giulia thinking that I was in safe hands. I murmured internally, I will not be drinking to stupor for the remaining of my existence.

"Giovanni did," he answered and my eyes immediately widens.

"What!" I gasped

"I wanted to actually. You know after the dance we went back to the booth for you to relax a bit and when you got there you slept off, I was already thinking of dropping you home and was about leaving when I got a call from my boss to come down to the docks for an urgent matter concerning one of the boat," he explains, "I was going to drop you home first then head down to the docks but Giovanni happened to overhear the call from my boss and offered to take you home."He concluded.

"Oh, I guess I would have to thank him then" I responded regaining my composure from the a little bit shocking revelation. Of course he offered to take me home. He obviously followed us back to the booth. Stalker much!. I screamed internally. To think I had gotten so drunk that I passed out. What if Stefano was some sort of a perverted psycho or something?.

That was clearly a big risk I took all because I was bothered by some accidental kiss from Giovanni, because of him I down myself in alcohol and he then offers to take me home like he was some sort of gentleman. Ridiculous!.

"Yeah. That was why I came to check on you to see if you were okay. I did not think a phone call would have been enough," he said, Green flag!, Green Forest!, Green Earth!. My mind screamed.

"Thank you for checking up on me, I woke up with a bit of headache but I am fine now," I replied. "Were you able to solve the problem with the boat?" I questioned.

"Yes. I did, it was just a little fault with the engine, it is a small boat, it was going to be rent out today. My boss keeps on forgetting that I major in chemical kind of engineering, he just thinks all engineering are the same with a slight difference, he believes we are fix things especially engines, thankfully I was able to help or else I would had to explain to him for like the one millionth time that I wasn't that kind of engineer," he laughs at the end of his words and I laughed as well.

"I understand,"

"Speaking of Engineering, I have some news" he said.

I raised an eyebrow "what kind of news?" I questioned.

"I am coming to America" he answered cheerfully and my eyes widens for the second time again in just minutes.

"Wow!, really?. How?" I asked as I regained myself.

"It is just a six months mentorship program. I will be taking a semester there, then I would return back, it would be my first time in the states though" He answered.

"That is good Stefano, where would this mentorship take place?"

"Your university" he revealed,

"Wow!. How is that even possible?" I said completely stunned.

"You might call it coincidence but I call it fate, but Giulia played a role in it though, when I was offered the chance to apply for her mentorship, it was between her university and one other in another state and I choose hers so that I would have someone over there that I would be familiar with, it just happens that I will have another person there as well" he smiled, "I am hoping we would get to spend more time over there as well" he added.

"Spend more time?" It came out like a whisper but I know he heard me.

He chuckles before saying. "I know a lot happened yesterday but I am hoping you remember the part when I said that I like you. If you didn't, I am saying it again. I like you"

"I—I" I stuttered unable to form any words in my mouth. He was boldly saying it again, that he likes me. He really meant it while my brain was in complete shambles. I don't know about my feelings for Stefano but it would help if there were no obstacles in my paths, it felt like everything was happening so fast but if I were to choose, Stefano was the perfect guy but I cannot give him a definitive answer because I had no idea how I felt.

"You don't have to say anything Emily. I was even worried you would freak out after I said that and maybe run away" he said making light of the situation. "I just wanted to tell you, no need to think deep about it, just keep an open mind. I will be leaving tomorrow for America, I have to finalize some things over there and it might take weeks, so we might meet again over there." He added with a smile.

"Oh, okay" I muttered. I have to figure out how I really feel.

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