Chapter Twenty Five- His Prey

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25. His Prey


I could not really sleep again last night after what Giovanni did, so I had turn and tossed around for hours until my body finally became exhausted and when sleep finally came, I was awoken by a loud noise. I lazily opened my eyes to see that the time was just around seven- thirty a.m., who would be making such a noise early this morning, I needed my sleep and I needed it badly.

I stood up from the bed just as Giulia was exiting the bathroom. She gave me a confused look and I shrugged.

We exited our room and headed downstairs and the voices was even becoming louder, reaching the bottom of the stairs, I was surprised to see Laura yelling at the top of her voice at Giovanni whom just had a stoic expression in his face, so all those voices were just coming from her.

She was yelling out some words in Italian that I clearly do not understand.

"What!"' I heard Giulia mutter beside me.

"What is going on?" I inquired as curiosity ate deep inside my skin.

"They are breaking up" she responded and my eyes widens.

Is Laura the problem?. I immediately remembered Giovanni's words and I spared him a glance, his eyes were on me as though he knew I was going to look at him.

"You cannot end this relationship!" Laura yells, a least time she was speaking in English and I can understand her this time around.

It wasn't because of me right?. It had to be something else that must be causing them to split up, maybe there were already issues in their relationship. It had to be it. Like it was clearly impossible for that to even be about me. When did he even get the chance to break up with her? It was not even eight in the morning yet.

"I can do whatever I want," Giovanni sternly said but he appeared completely calm while Laura on the other hand was the complete opposite, she did not look so perfect like she normally does, that does not mean that she was dressed raggedly though, her outfit was perfect of course, I guess her current situation does not stop her from leaving the house looking bad. I know I would look like a mess if my fiancé suddenly chose to end our relationship.

It was her demeanor, anger has really never looked good on anyone to begin with so I understand. Giulia was snickering beside me, she was clearly enjoying this, she was even making it obvious that she was delighted that their relationship was finally come to an end.

"You told the newspapers, news channels and tabloids and it is everywhere now!" She growled loudly.

What! It was in the newspaper, news channels, who actually does that? I thought he called her to break up with her causing her to come here early this morning, but it was even worse, who breaks up with a person via a public announcement.

"I only told an online reporter about it and he decided to blow it out of proportion, but I told him that we have cordially decided that we would end things and have chosen to be friends, it is not demeaning to your reputation Laura," he said bluntly. He really does not see anything wrong with what he did. Over confidence was really a second skin to him.

"I did not agree to that!. We met in the office yesterday and you never said anything about this even till we left in the  evening. What changed?" She asked fuming.

"A lot changed," he blankly responded then he spares me a glance for a second or two before focusing his attention back at Laura and I am immediately reminded of his words again. Is Laura the problem?.

Why does it feel that it was all because of me. No! No way! It can't be. I tried to convince my mind, clearly I was being delusional, I never even indicated that Laura was the problem. This was not my fault at all. I have never imagined myself as being the reason for another woman's heartbreak but now with all this, it felt like I was.

Despite that, he should have spoken to her rather than publishing it on the internet and just allowing her to see it casually, like he was announcing an advertisement. I imagined how she must be feeling. She must be heartbroken, the love of her life was leaving her without even giving her a justifiable reason.

"I will not let you do this, the wedding plans were finally starting to go into motion and then you came up with this. I have tried to please you in anyway possible, I even let you have your way with those random girls like Florentina!" she raged.

"Gross!" Giulia scrunched up her nose at Florentina words, she stared at her brother with a disgusted look on her face, it was nice to know that Giulia was not in support of her brother's escapades.

But hold on a minute. Oh my goodness! , she knew, Laura knew about his exploits and yet, she stayed and tolerated it. Was she so deeply in love with him that she can tolerate his infidelity?

"Stop!" Giovanni warned, it was like he was losing his cool and he was trying had to stop himself. God, I hope it was not because of me.

"I will not stop. You cannot treat me this way, I have truly given you my all!" She yelled.

Giovanni chuckles, surprising both me and Giulia, both of us  shared a confused glance between ourselves, "You make it seem like I am the only monster here Laura. You are not a saint, you were doing the same thing. You had other men in your bed as well," he revealed and I am hundred percent convinced that both mine and Giulia jaws were hanging on the floor.

It was a couple thing. What the fuck!. I cursed internally.


Laura threw more tantrums for another hour or so and she only stopped when Giovanni walked out of the house leaving her there to continue then she had no choice but to leave. I know that it might not be because of me but I could not stop recalling Giovanni's words in my head.  Is Laura the problem?.

"Thank goodness my brother has finally ended things with her," Giulia was practically rejoicing around the room like a child that was given a candy. "I knew she was a skank!" She added and made a quick laugh before literally jumping on her bed still in a state of frenzy, it was like she was literally on a sugar rush.

Giovanni was a skank as well, he equally cheated on Laura, they were both doing it to each other and they both knew. Why then did they decide to stay with each other?.

It made no sense, it definitely cannot be because of me, I have to keep my head straight, I have to remember that Giovanni was a skilled man whore and a playboy and just like the famous characteristics of a playboy, he was moving to his next play thing, and that would certainly not be me, I finally understand his whole plan, that was what he was trying to do.

Kiss me last night and break off the engagement to prove that he was really interested in me but now I know that it was all a trick.

"But goodness, I never knew Giovanni was a player!" She growled as though she was frustrated, "Couldn't he just find a good girl and just be a good guy," she added.

I wanted to respond with a 'That was not in his dictionary. Giovanni was a predator and somehow he has chosen me to be his prey' instead I said, "Hopefully he would,".

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