Chapter Thirty Eight- I Am Not A Saint

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38. I am not a saint


"W-Why are you amused by what I said, it-it is the truth, I know it is the truth." I hated that my words came out in stutters, where was the confidence I had just barely five seconds ago. The moment that smug look appeared on his face I immediately felt conflicted.

"And why did you believe the words that came out of Laura's mouth,"

"Because it is the truth," I gritted.

"Of course. Everything that comes out of that woman's mouth is the truth," he gritted back.

"You are certainly not the victim here, who in their right senses breaks up with some through tabloids," I fired

"I have my reasons ," he sternly responded

"Yeah, you have made it clear. I never asked you to do that. You just wanted to get rid of her , maybe because you had no use of her anymore then  you decided to used me and this foolish naive girl blamed herself for ruining someone's relationship,"

"You make it sound like Laura was a saint, she wasn't."

"You clearly are not either," I fired.

He chuckles "I never said I was," he said and his fingers lightly caressed my cheeks, I closed my eyes as though I was compelled to do so and then I release a low moan, I stupidly moaned, I hear him chuckle again and I immediately open my eyes and stepped away from him and released an awkward cough. Why not feed his belief more, that I was drawn to him. I scolded my brain for falling so easily for his charms.

"So you are admitting that you did wrong, that you practically might have ruined Laura's life and maybe the others," I pointed out fiercely, I have to stay on focus, I must not let Giovanni's seductive ways derail me from my goals.

"You make it sound like I am a monster," He frowned.

"Are you not?"

"What exactly did Laura tell you. Let me guess I seduced her into my sleeping with me, she had a boyfriend called Nate and they had been dating for four years and they were planning on getting married but I ruined it and I made her do the other things because she grew spiteful," he laid it all out like he had been there at the restaurant listening to my conversation with Laura.

"H–how did you know that. Are you spying on me again?" I questioned still in disbelief.

He chuckles, "I did not have to Millie,"

"Then how did you know if you were not there and if you did not listen to our conversation?"

"I have heard a similar story before from Nate himself. He told me about how her best friend had slept with her then fiancé called Clive and her relationship got ruined. You don't know this Millie but Nate is a businessman of his own, he owns a few restaurants in Italy, he is really doing well for himself and he was a good target for Laura until she met a better one which is me."

"I don't believe you," I voiced but my heart quivered, could he possibly be telling the truth? Was Laura the villain here? Then if he knew why did he keep her for so long?

"Of course you would not believe me but Laura's words were so easy to believe. You were acting strange the moment you came back for your run that morning and then I got to know that you had stumbled upon Laura at a cafe. I have invited Laura to join us for a little chat." He smirked at the end and just then Laura was pulled into the room by two bulk men dressed in black suits.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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