Chapter Eighteen- Booth

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18. Booth


Honk!, honk!.

That must have been the nth time, the horn sound was coming from the car parked outside.

Matteo and Alessandro came to pick us up to the club and we were running late, extremely late that I am almost sure that they have been out there for like thirty minutes, they refuse to enter the house because they think that would mean that we got the all time in the world.

All this, was because of Giulia of course had to make sure that we looked perfect, I was grateful for that, maybe it was time to learn at least the basics in makeup.

"We are here!, we are here!" Giulia screamed as we both jogged out of the house, and to think Giulia was putting on a seven inches heels, well..., I on the other hand settled at four inches, there was no way, I was going to break my neck or my ankles just because I was going to have few hours of fun.

We entered into the back seat of the car, Alessandro was the one driving and Matteo was seated at the passenger seat.

"I was this close to coming in there and dragging your asses out" Alessandro complained as he starts the car.

"You do not expect us to go to the club looking basic Sandro?" Giulia fired back.

"Of course not" he said in a mocking tone, then he takes a glance of us through the rear view mirror. "Looking good Emily, Red is definitely your color. I think you are planning on putting too much pressure on us Italian boys leaving the house looking like a vixen" he added in an amused tone, Matteo smacked his arm. Giulia had actually forced me to wear the red dress, it was one of the dresses we shopped for when we got here, I initially did not want to wear it because it was a bit too skimpy but Giulia insisted that it was the perfect club outfit and I had worn a black dress yesterday. Giulia wore a white one equally skimpy at least I would not be the only one in a skimpy dress.

"A simple compliment would do. You look stunning Emily and so do you Giulia," Matteo said. Giulia giggled.

If not for the dim lit of the car and the darkness of the night, I am certain they would see the redness of my cheeks.

"Just saying Teo. We finally understand why Stefano was all talks early in the morning, take a look at her, she did not look like this at the beach party, not saying that she was unattractive then but now she looks like a completely different person, a much hotter one" Alessandro rambles while I wished the floor would just open up and swallow me.

Giulia smacked his arm this time "Are you catching feelings for my friend?"

"Maybe" Alessandro said and winked at me through the rear view mirror, Matteo smacked him again, guess they would be a lot of smacking today.

"Yo bro!, that is Stefano's girl" Matteo said and I choked on air. Stefano's girl. I had no idea that I had been claimed. Stefano and I had just been on one date, I don't think things worked that way, or do they?.

"Quiet boys!. You are scaring Millie with all this talk" Giulia scolded and then she mutters a 'sorry' to me, I nod my head in acknowledgment. It was not her fault though, she did not have to apologize and neither does the boys too as well.

"Fine" the boys said in sync and the rest of the ride to the club went silent, if only my mind could be silent as well. All this claim of a thing was getting to me. Did Stefano tell his cousins that I was his girl?. Did he really like me that much to even say that after just one date?. Did I even like him that much?. He had to mean something to me unless he would not have appeared in my dreams, would he?. The same dream that switched to Giovanni?. My mind mocked. What in the hell was even wrong with me.

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