Chapter Ten- Mission Successful

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10. Mission Successful


Maybe there was something about this house specifically that stopped me from going to sleep, I have tossed and turned countless of times yet sleep would not come, it completely eluded me like I was a plague, so much for being tired, even Giulia was yet to be back, the bonfire must be so much fun, I had just chickened out, it was around 12am at the moment or so, she texted me an hour ago that she was with Matteo and she was okay, she was in safe hands.

I sighed, standing up from the bed, maybe another juice would help, and hopefully this time I would not stumble upon Giovanni. I got out of the room and walked quietly down the stairs to the ground floor, I only had one mission to accomplish, take a glass of juice or water if there was no juice, go right back up dive into bed and this time definitely sleep, I would definitely not be stepping out through that Kitchen door.

Mission successful!, I cheered internally as I rinsed the glass I had used before setting it on the counter to drain out the water. I turned my back to leave only for my heart to drop suddenly, what I had desperately tried to avoid was standing in front of me shirtless with his trousers hanging slightly lower from his waist that I could see the line of..., don't go there!, my mind scolded. Mission Unsuccessful!.

"You seem to like this kitchen a lot, Milly" he said in a hoarse tone, even my nickname somehow sounded out of the world in his mouth, it made me kind of genuinely like it. What was he doing to me!.

His hair was messy as though he had just fought a bull or something wild but that only helped in make him look even more dashing.

"No!" I responded fast, maybe too fast that he lifts his eyebrows in curiosity.
This was tempting and challenging at the same time, how was I supposed to survive this whole holiday avoiding Giovanni and pretending like his attractiveness was not getting to me, he is engaged for crying out loud!, my mind scolded again. It was a no go zone, my values would not allow it and Giulia was strictly against it, I am certain that she does not want to have to walk in on her brother having sex with another friend, but I would have expected her to at least give her brother if I had not known of his sexual escapades, but it was still nice of her to even remotely think that someone like Giovanni would even be interested in someone like me, he has someone like Laura by his side and that was not enough to keep him faithful.

"Then what are you doing here Millie?" He inquired still giving me that curious stare and there was the nickname again.

I gulped down on air, I have to be calm, this was his house, it was clear that he did not like people wandering through the place. "I—I" I could not form any word in my head to deliver to my mouth.

He stepped closer and the room immediately feels more hotter "Are you hoping to catch another scene Millie?" He has a smirk on his perfectly aligned face, now the nickname was getting to me in a bittersweet way.

"Catch another scene?" I asked tilting my head to the side in confusion, what was he talking about?, what scene?, his was staring intensely at me, as if waiting for me to realize something, what was I missing?. And then it clicked, last night, the scene with Florentina, my eyes widens and he chuckles, he knows I have figured it out "Absolutely not! and only my friends call me Milly " I screeched, maybe a bad idea but I could not help myself.

He steps even closer, and the room fells smaller and hotter, I could easier feel his breath on my face, my heart immediately starts beating out of proportion from the extreme proximity between us. I dropped my head down and he lifts it back up by moving my chin. "Or are you hoping to be the scene Millie" he breathed effortlessly, I guess my thoughts on him calling me by that name was irrelevant to him.

"What!" I screeched again, when my mind fully processed the word that had left his mouth, what was he saying?, how did it get to that part just now?, I am sure that my cheeks are red.

"Relax Millie" he said, there was the sweet part from the bittersweet, his voice sounded so sensual that it immediately sent shivers round my body and then I feel a touch in my thigh, it was then I realized that I was in shorts.

His fingers run through it sending tingles round my body, what was he doing?, this is wrong, he was engaged and he was clearly off limits, he was even way older than I was, was he even remotely attracted to me "You should stop" I said but a moan accompanied it, that was not what I wanted to do, and then I feel it, the arousal.

He pauses and looks at me straight in the eyes "Are you sure?, do you want me to stop?" He asked.

I blinked, his eyes had moved to my lips, focusing his attention there, even his eyes seemed darken.

This is wrong!, this is wrong!, this is wrong!.

He is engaged!, he is engaged!,

He is Giulia Elder brother!, he is Giulia Elder brother!,

My mind chanted warnings repeatedly but my body I chosen to do another thing instead of pushing him away, I pulled him close and smashed my lips on his.

He tasted like mints, like I had smelt earlier, I might have been the one to initiate the kiss but Giovanni took over immediately, kissing me so passionately, he effortlessly picks me up from the floor placing me on his hips before transferring me to the kitchen counter.

His hands roamed my body igniting a sort of fire inside of me that I have never felt in my entire existence, his kiss was demanding and possessive as though it was going to be the last time he was going to try something like this with me and then he suddenly stopped the kiss and looked at me straight in the eyes.

"You taste good" he said in a hoarse voice that even increased the flame in me "I wonder how you will taste down there" he added, that should have been a wake up call to jump off the counter and ran off but it wasn't, that when he asked "Should I?" I nodded immediately and he proceeded to take my shorts off swiftly leaving me in my red g-string. "I was expecting a cartoon character" he mumbled and I immediately blushed, he chuckles and immediately removes my panties leaving me completely exposed, he turned his attention back to my face staring at me intensely, I watched as he slowed brought his head down and when I feel his lips on my folds, I released a strained moan.

He begins a ministration in between my legs tapping into the desires I never expected to have, I was a moaning mess, and if someone was in the house, they might even hear me, I do not think, the kitchen was sound proof, but at that moment I was too far gone to worry about that.

I fisted his hair in my hands trying to control myself but the feeling in me right now was too great to even try to control, then I feel the tension building inside of me, was this it?, was this the feeling of orgasm and before I could think about it the more, I felt it, the electrifying feeling shaking my core and I screamed out "Giovanni!" as my body collapsed, I closed my eyes and I heard a door shut close with a loud thud, when I opened them back, I was back in the room and Giulia dropped on the bed with a loud thud, it was then I realized what had just happened, it was not real, none of it was real, it was a dream, a wet dream about Giovanni, Fuck!.

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