Chapter Fifteen- Scatter brain

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15. Scatter brain


I knew Giulia had mentioned that it would be a dinner date but I did not think that the restaurant would be so fancy, I was not saying that Stefano might not be able to afford it but this restaurant looked elite.

"Are you a secret billionaire or something?" I whispered into his ears as we stepped into the restaurant. Thankfully my heels gave me enough height to do so without having to struggle.

He chuckles "I am not yet. I wanted to make our date special, my friend works here and he was able to reserve a table for us, moreover, it is not that fancy like the ones you guys have in America, trust me," he responded adding a wink at the end.

I breathed a sigh of relief, at least he would not have to break his bank to impress me, I do not really require much to get impressed to begin with, I am more of a character person. Then explain why a cheating man visited you in your dreams. My brain taunted. No!, I will not let the thought of Giovanni ruin my night, like Giulia said, Have fun and that was what I am going to do. I scolded my mind internally

"Come on this way," Stefano gestured as he led me to our table, when we got to the table, he helped me pull out my chair. So chivalry really still existed in my generation.

"Thank you," I greeted with a smile as I took my seat while he took his across me. I was finally able to take a good look at the interior.

The interior was elegantly decorated, the designs of the place were a gold, white with a bit of red colors given some sort of a royalty kind of aesthetic, I think. There was a live band present at a corner of the restaurant a bit far away from where we were seated. They were playing a soft music in Italian dialect.

The restaurant was not really filled with people, there were empty seats around that can easily be spotted, but the lack of too many people gave the place a subtle vibe, well..., according to me, I loved it, though it was definitely not good thing for business to the owners.

"Do you like the place?" Stefano asked bringing my attention back to him, I realized that it may seem rude to have my focus elsewhere when he was the one that brought me to the place, my attention should be on him, he was my date not the interior of the restaurant, though there was really no crime in admiring the place, and I don't think Stefano minds, it was just my conscience judging me ever since I had had my attention on Giovanni from the moment I reached the bottom of the stairs. Giovanni again!, what in God's name was wrong with me?.

"Yes. I do, it is very beautiful. Thank you for bringing me here and asking me out on a date," I chuckled nervously.

"And I was thinking, Giulia forced you to agree to this," he chuckled back nervously as well, I did not expect him to be nervous in front of me.

"No!. She didn't," I quickly responded, but she did, my brain mocked.

He laughs out loud "I think she did. You answered that too fast," he responded, I have been caught.

And I laughed "Maybe she did influence me a bit," I responded a bit cheekily "Regardless, I don't regret coming out here so far, so thank you again, really," I assured

"I will take that as a win then and for the rest of our time here, I will make sure you have nothing to complain about when you get back home," he smirked.

"I will take you on on that," I responded back with a chuckle afterwards feeling a bit relaxed, I think Stefano had the ability to make anyone feel comfortable without having to try much. And you once accused him of being a serial killer, my mind mocked again but in my defense, some serial killers had the ability to make their victims feel comfortable at first before killing, mutilating and possibly dismembering their victims.

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