Chapter Nineteen- Breathe

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19. Breathe


Giovanni was dressed in a black suit and there were up to like four men surrounding him equally dressed in suits, and I noticed that there was a woman beside him. Looking closely, it turned out to be Laura, she was talking and giggling at a man by her left.

Giovanni still had his eyes on me which made me feel incredibly uncomfortable, why was he staring at me?. I breathed and turned my focus back at Stefano,

I smiled, "Yes, it was" I said sincerely, it truly was until I had realized that Giovanni had probably watched the entire thing. There was really nothing wrong with him watching but it was the way he was staring at me that was freaking me out, it made it seem like I was committing some kind of sin and him, especially him had no right to make me feel that way, he was nothing to me, he had to remain nothing.

Giovanni still held his gaze on me, like I was the most interesting thing in the world at the moment, he was intentionally ignoring the people around him and it was making me feel more uncomfortable, too uncomfortable that I zoned out from my surroundings and I only came back when I felt Stefano hands on mine

"Hey, are you okay?" He asks, his face contorted into worry.

I breathed, "Yes," forcing a smile, I was definitely not okay but Stefano did not have to know that, it would be absurd if he learnt that Giovanni was affecting me in some kind of way when he shouldn't. "I think I need to use the restroom," I added, I really needed to breathe properly.

"Sure. Do you want me to come with you?" He asked.

"No. I am fine, I will be back soon, I will not take long" I smiled and I got up from the seat and Giovanni still had his eyes on me. What in the hell is his problem?. I exited the booth and asked an attendant around until I was directed to the rest room.

I took a deep breath and exhaled deeply before staring at my reflection on the mirror, Emily ignore him, Emily ignore him, have fun, have fun. I chanted in my mind.

I exhaled again and was about to turn away from the mirror when the door opens, and the person that enters was the least people I would have expected to come in here.

"Giovanni, what are you doing here, this is a ladies restroom!" I flared.

He chuckles for a second then his expression went stiff " I know." he gritted

"Then you should not be here," I pointed out "You should—"

I got cut off as Giovanni marched right to me and planted his lips on mine, my eyes widens in shock, what in the hell!, my mind screams , he bits my lips and my lips parted which he took as entrance into my mouth, deepening the kiss like he wanted to consume my soul, I could feel my heart racing, conflicted from the shock of his sudden actions but then I kissed him back, I stupidly kissed him back and I was actually liking the kiss. Stefano's girl, those words echoed in my mind again and it was just enough for me to break the kiss by push him away, I took a few steps away from him.

"What was that for?" I questioned as confusion swirled in my mind. I might not be Stefano's girl but this was wrong, totally wrong, I just kissed Stefano and Stefano might actually like me and Giovanni on the other hand was engaged for goodness sake, he is literally going to getting married soon. I was not like Florentina or the other girls he has sex with, while he was still fully engaged to another woman.

Giovanni stared at me, his usual confident demeanor faltered, his eyes held a mix of regret and somewhat desire. He was a man whore. Is he just attracted to anything in skirts?.

"I am sorry" he said and he ruffled his hair, appearing a bit frustrated " I shouldn't have done that. It was a mistake" he added

I blinked "You followed me here and kissed me. You are engaged for God's sake!. Does Laura mean so little to you?" I asked. A mistake!, a bloody mistake!. Does he just go around getting intimate with girls and calling them mistakes, I was not a mistake. He knew exactly what he was doing, he followed me here knowingly.

"Don't bring Laura into this" he gritted.

I blinked again, "You are getting all defensive now, you literally cheat on her constantly" I pointed out feeling a certain rage inside of me and I kissed him back and Stefano literally just told me that he liked me. What is wrong with me?. And I had a wet dream about this obviously crazy man, somewhat twice.

"You don't know anything" he gritted, he ran his hands through his hair again "Why did you let Stefano kiss you?"

His question completely blew me away, so he saw that. How was that any of his business?. I can kiss whoever I want to kiss. I am a free woman. He is the one in an entanglement.

"That is none of your business" I said with full confidence.

"IT IS MY BUSINESS!" He flared up and then he walked out of the restroom like nothing happened leaving me completely stunned. What in the hell?.

My mind was struggling to process everything that just happened and it was still struggling, none of it still made sense. I exhaled deeply before exiting the restroom myself.

"Hey are you good?" Stefano asks as I take my seat beside him, he must be sensing my discomfort. God why did I have to kiss Giovanni back!.

"Yeah. I am," lies!, lies!, my mind screamed.

"Okay," he smiled beautifully, why did he have to smile beautifully for crying out loud?. Guilt consumes me like a second skin, I instantly felt like a cheating partner and I could not help it and we were not official or anything, but Stefano was clearly being obvious with how he felt about me. He literally confessed!. My mind screamed as though to torture me for my stupidity.

Giovanni was also back in his seat and his eyes were still on me, staring intensely. This was madness. This had to be madness.

"Let's go dance" I instantly suggested, anything to get away from here at the moment.

"What?" Stefano asked, he looks taken aback by my sudden interest in going to dance. "Are you sure?. I thought you did not want to dance"

"I should have fun the proper way, shouldn't I?" And that was what I was going to do, that kiss was a mistake, and it will remain a mistake, it will definitely not happen again and I will not let that ruin my mood or my night.

He chuckles "Okay then." he said as he got up from the couch, I got up as well, he stretched his hand out for me and I take it, entangling his fingers with mine and as we exited the booth, Giovanni eyes followed us but I ignored him . He should focus on his woman or better still focus on being a better man.


"Hey!. You guys finally came!" Giulia yelled across the blaring music, while moving her body to the music, Matteo was by her side.

"Yeah. We did!" I shouted back in response.

"Good idea!. The fun is down here!" She yells and pointed to her left, I turned to the direction and it was Alessandro kissing a red hair, looks to be the same red haired girl at the beach party. Are they an item?.

"Are they?—"

"It is complicated. They are complicated!" Matteo was the one to yell in response.

I nodded. Complicated. Oh!.

"Well, they are having fun!. Let's continue with ours!" Giulia screamed and she instantly turned to face Matteo and smashed her lips on him. I guess that is out in the open now. Lots of kisses flying around tonight clearly.

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