Chapter Thirty Three - The Other Women

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33. The Other Women


"Emily! Emily! Please open the door," Giovanni called out from the other side of the door, he was knocking as well and it with each knock it was like an hammer driving into my chest only it was not killing me it was rather igniting something inside of me, something I could not understand, my heart was aggressively beating against my chest with no hope of stopping that I assumed that in any moment from now I would pass out.

"Giovanni please go away. I can't, we cannot do this!" I responded back, but somehow those words caused a tinge of pain in my heart, I  should not be feeling this way for Giovanni but I was feeling it. It should not hurt turning him away but somehow it did. What was really happening to me? Giovanni had not exactly done anything that would warrant me feeling like this and then there was Stefano who has done more than Giovanni and does not have a trail of lovers and sexual partners behind him yet my heart was waging war on its self fun making a decision, Stefano was the right and rational one to go with but I was yet to feel that  electrifying spark between us, Stefano does not even deserve to be a second choice he deserved more than that, maybe it was because we have not spent that much time together but what of Giovanni we have not actually spent time together yet he was making me feel things I should not been feeling despite the fact that I was fully aware of his escapades.

I demanded answers yet I fled when I got answers, I might be a coward but Giovanni was a bigger coward, who the hell gets engaged and sleep with so much women to get over a feeling from someone, isn't the best way to get over someone to just confess the feelings get accepted or rejected at least you should be able to move on from there on.

There was a pause from the other side, maybe he had taken heed to my words and gave up. I released a sigh out of relief but that relief was short lived when the knock immediately came to the door again "Emily please," he pleaded , there was so much desperation in his voice, I blinked completely dazed, was he really saying the truth? Was he really in love with me? "Please talk to me," he pleaded again, I don't know what possessed me to I stood up from the bed and opened the door ,Giovanni was breathing heavily, his eyes piercing directly into mine with so much intensity, his hair was rough as though he ran his fingers through it countless times, he looked rugged yet dashing. Snap out of it Emily!, I scolded my brain.

"Giovanni," I muttered lowly, trying my best to avoid his eyes"You should leave Giovanni," I requested in an equally low voice.

"Yo–you wanted answers," he said in a lot of desperation oozing out of this voice with the same intensity as the one I heard when he was still behind the closed door.

"Yes I did," I breathed

"So?" He asked, his breathing was now more stable.

"So nothing Giovanni, this all does not make sense. Why would you get engaged and sleep with those women to get over your feelings, it makes no sense," I said

His jaws clenched "I am sorry,"

I blinked, did he just apologize to me, he did not actually owe me an apology, we were never in a relationship, it was his own life to live. "You do not have to apologize, you did not owe it to me Giovanni," I breathed

"I have to, I have betrayed your trust, it is why you flee from me,"

"No-no it is not the reason why I flee from your Giovanni," I paused, running my fingers through my head "I do not understand all this, I do not understand how to feel about this, there is Stefano—"

"It is him you choose?" He asked, his facial expression turned to that of someone in pain

"No—Yes. No, I am not choosing anybody yet but Stefano is a good man and he has been good to me from the beginning, maybe you should not have come forth with your feelings at this time, I do not want to hurt anyone but now I feel like I am hurting everyone and I do not want to do that," my eyes immediately glistened with tears.

He caressed my cheeks and I breathed in deeply "You don't have to feel that way. You are right, this is all my fault, I should have stayed away. I am sorry, I will let you go now" he said and turned his back to leave.

I should have let him leave, it would have ended just there and then, Stefano should have been the only thing occupying my mind but it wasn't and so I did not let him leave, I stopped him and turned him around, lifted my feet from the ground and placed a kiss on his lips, he was stunned at first but he was so quick to recover and he captured my lips as well and deepened the kiss.

The next thing, I was lifted up from the ground and my legs were wrapped around his waist, he carried me effortlessly without breaking the kiss and placed me gently on the bed, we broke the kiss when we both needed air. We were both breathing heavily.

"What. Are. You. Doing?" He said in between breaths.

"I do not know, it feels wrong and right at the same time, I do not know what I feel Giovanni but I know I feel something," I find myself confessing, almost like I have been hypnotized.

"Emily," he called out my name and then he descends my lips again, this time more intense than the previous one. Fire completely ignites inside my body and it feels like it was a fire that would be able to be controlled. The kiss becomes even more intense and the next thing Giovanni shirt was already off his body, he pauses on top of me, his eyes staring at mine like he completely wanted to possess my entire existence, I find myself trailing my fingers down his chest, his body was gloriously beautiful. The other women must have thought the same. My brain suddenly thought.

I frowned immediately and apparently it did not go unnoticed by Giovanni

"Are you okay?" He asked, his tone sounding worried.

"No," I lied, he does not have to know that it bothers me to know that he had shared his body extravagantly with other women. God!, I was already sounding like a jealous lover.

"Are you sure?" He asked, of course he was unconvinced by my answer.

"I—" I began but I was cut off when I heard a familiar voice far away

"I am home guys!" It was definitely Giulia's voice coming from downstairs, I immediately pushed Giovanni off my body that he landed on the ground with a loud thud, I was even surprised at my own strength but that was something to think about later, I immediately got up from the bed

"Giulia is back," I muttered, my eyes completely wide open as I stared at Giovanni, he looked perplexed at my behavior, of course he would be, he would not think anything wrong with our current situation, but there was no way in hell I was going to let this time turn into a nightmare. I immediately adjusted my clothes and headed downstairs not without giving Giovanni a final glance, hopefully he is sensible to put in his clothes and get out of this room before Giulia and I make it back to the room.

Author's note:

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Until next time,

xoxo 💋

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