Chapter Twenty Six- Dilemma

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26. Dilemma

Laura came the next day and the next after that, throwing tantrums until Giovanni had to hire a guard at the door to prevent her from coming in. Stefano called yesterday, he sounded pretty excited about America, while I was lost in my own emotions. His call reminded me to what he said on the beach, 'keep an open mind'. My mind was nowhere open at the moment and it was felt exhausting.

Thankfully, I have not come in contact with Giovanni, I was dreading how I would feel when I look at him in the face and I would be reminded of his question, Is Laura the problem?. Now I was in a much stronger dilemma, Giulia was leaving, she was going back to America and leaving me behind all with the excuse that she would be back in a week.

"I think it is best I follow you back," I suggested for the nth time and for the nth she eyes me.

"It will only be a week, our vacation is not yet over and I might even be back before a week. Millie, I have been waiting for this professor since last semester and this might be the only chance for me to see him for a long while," she responded "I am sure you can have fun without me, if you need anything, you can ask my brother,or Matteo and Alessandro,"

Her brother!. That was the thing I was avoiding, I don't want to be anywhere near her brother but she doesn't know that so I faked a smile. "Sure," I muttered, "So the boys are aware that you are leaving this evening?" I asked

"Well..., Alessandro knows," she responded shyly

"So Matteo is not aware? And you want me to call him if I need anything,"

She sighs. "Alessandro will inform him when I get to the states— moreover it is just a week, there is no need to really inform him,"

"Are you avoiding him?. He called you nonstop yesterday afternoon and he came in the evening and you feigned being asleep,"

She sighs again closing her luggage, "Yes. I am avoiding him. I don't want to have that talk with him,"

"What talk?" I asked curiously, Giulia might be going through problems of hers but something in me kind of wished that my problems were similar to hers. So you want to deal with a one night stand dilemma?, My brain taunted. Maybe not the one night stand but the fact that she was struggling with her feelings for one person and not juggling between two guys where one was practically an angel and the other was literally the devil himself. I should choose the angel but the devil was hell bent on turning me into a devil as well. Metaphors might not fully quantify everything right now.

"You and I both know that he is going to tell me that it was a mistake," she says making a straight face.

"You don't know that," I tried to reason, she truly doesn't, for all we know, Matteo might really not see whatever they had as just a one night stand.

"I know because he recently just got out of a relationship, a relationship that lasted almost three years. I am practically a rebound Millie," she revealed.

"Oh!" I blinked, her issues were deeper than I thought. "But you shouldn't jump into conclusions though," I reasoned

"Millie, they only broke up because the girl is moving to another country and she doesn't want to do those long distance relationship kind of thing. He must still love her. Millie do you see where I am going with this,"

I sighed, "Yes,"

"You know Millie, not every guy is like Stefano that goes for what he wants, some are like Matteo an emotional mess, both are still good guys though, but I think Matteo is more concerned about hurting my feelings rather than accepting my feelings. It is a good thing Stefano will be in America for a while, you would get to know him better, he is an amazing person." She gave a small smile as she concluded with her statement, there was it again, one of the good attributes of Stefano.

"Yeah. Sure," I said in a low voice.

"You don't sound too exited about seeing him in America," she eyes me suspiciously

I chuckled nervously, "It is not that, I am only sad that you are leaving me behind," I conjured, it was only the half truth though, I was not too excited about seeing him in America not because he was not an amazing person like Giulia said but I was afraid that I might end of being the villain in his story, there was still the fact that Giovanni has literally kissed me twice and Stefano has no idea whatsoever about it, I was starting to look like a two- faced bitch. Vulgar language on myself, but I deeply feel that I deserve it at the moment. Who would have thought that I would ever be affiliated with those two words?.

"You will be fine Millie. I am starting to feel bad having to leave you behind," she said making a pouty face afterwards.

"Maybe, I can go with you," I said cheerfully, I am sure that my eyes must have lit up but I really needed this, I need to leave this place as soon as possible before a catastrophe occurs.

"No! You are not," she sternly responded and rolled her eyes, my countenance immediately fell, I was really stuck here, there is no way out. "Millie, you know, you never use to whine like a child, what has changed since we left?"

A lot has changed, so so much has changed, that if you found out you would hate me, I wanted to say that but I didn't instead I said "I would miss you," I would miss her though, I have been literally thrown into the lion's den.

"You are so sweet Millie, I will be back before you know it, you would not even notice it," she cooed

I would!, I groaned internally, "Fine." I exhaled feeling completely defeated and exhausted, I will just have to deal with it, will just have to come up with a good, more like excellent plan to stay far away from Giovanni. How bad can it be to avoid him for a week, it can't be that hard, right?.


I still felt like crying as Sir Aldo placed Giulia's bag into the trunk of the car, I would not even be able to follow her to the airport, because the airport was not even in this town.

"See you in a week," Giulia said as she pulled me in for a hug, I hugged her tightly like it was going to be my last.

"See you soon," I responded as I finally pulled away.

"Millie, you are acting really strange," she said cocking her head to the side as she stared intensely at me.

Of course I was acting strange, she was abandoning me in the mercy of her crazy brother that might or might not have broken up his engagement because of me, the same crazy man that had literally and boldly claimed that I belonged to him and had kissed me two times knowing fully well that I was starting to get involved with Stefano, the same crazy man that may or may not have turned me into a villain. "I am fine," I lied effortlessly, I could not tell her, no matter how much I wanted to.

"Okay, if you say so, no matter what it is, we will talk about it when I get back, okay."

"Okay," I murmured, and then she enters the car, waves at me and just like her the car zooms off and she was gone. I am screwed.

Author's note: Please help point out any typos in this chapter , I am not feeling well at the moment but I wanted to get the chapter out, thank you 🙏

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