Chapter Twenty Seven- My personal prison

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27. My personal prison


The room I was staying as practically becoming a prison, a prison that I had built for myself, my own very personal prison. How did my life turn to this?. I shouldn't be doing this. Why should I be hiding from him in the first place? He might even be unbothered by my deeds, he is a player after all.

This was all a game to him and I was stupidly dancing to his tune, my mind as suddenly become weak that it feels as though, the version of myself from last month was completely different from the version of myself now.

It has just been the next day since Giulia left and I have not seen Giovanni anywhere, it was almost like he was not even in the house. How would you see him stuck in this room?. My brain taunted, but I pushed that thought away, that was the whole point in the first place, avoid him like my life depended on it, but it has just been a day and it was too early to celebrate, the challenge had only just began, a challenge that was already beginning to drain me and it was just afternoon.

I sighed as I turned in my bed. This place sucks , it was like life has completely been drained out of it and I was now realizing that Giulia was that life and I had spent most of my time whining whenever she suggested we do something fun. It was true the saying, you don't know what you have until you lose it. Giulia was not exactly gone, I have not lost her, it was just going to be only a week, I can manage, I had to.

Maybe I should call Alessandro and Matteo and they might be able to get me out of this house. I picked up my phone and was about to dial Matteo's number when a phone call came in. It was my mom, and I realized that there have been a few missed calls from her thirty minutes ago, my phone must have been on silent. It has been a while since I had spoken to her and she did not call me since, she must be pretty occupied with work.

I answered the call, placed it against my ear.

"Hello, Millie, how are you doing?" She asked in a chirping voice, somebody sounded really excited, maybe she just misses me, I missed her too and I would have had the chance to miss her proper if not for my head being in constant chaos lately.

"Hey mom," I responded back with a bit of excitement in my voice, maybe this call was what I need at the moment, my mom was my everything and now she will take away the chaos in my mind.

"I am so sorry sweetie that I did not call you frequently and earlier, I have just been busy," she said.

"With business?" I inquired.

"Not exactly," she responded, I could hear the hesitation in her voice. What was going on with her, I have been wrapped in the web of emotional confusion that I had also forgotten to reach out to her.

"Mom, are you okay?" I asked, I was trying my best not to sound too panicky but I was certain that I failed at doing that.

"No! No!— I mean yes. Yes I am fine. It is just that— Clinton proposed," she revealed and just like that my eyes widens immediately from her shocking revelation.

"What!" I gasped, she was joking right, their relationship was barely even up to two months. "And what did you say?" I asked, but that was not what I wanted to ask her, I wanted to be direct and ask 'of course you said no right?, and of course you rejected his proposal?' But I couldn't, I wanted her to do whatever made her happy even though this one would be totally absurd if she accepted the marriage proposal.

"I said yes!" She cheered overly excited, she really was happy about this but I could not help myself from being realistic at the moment, she is my mother and I have to protect her and so I said.

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