Chapter Thirty Seven- Confrontation 2

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37. Confrontation 2


"What the fuck were you thinking?" He growled.

"Giovanni," I breathed as I stared at him "Of course he shows up now," I muttered under my breath.

"You are coming with me," he declared and without waiting for a response he pulled me away by my hand and through the crowd and when we got to his car, he practically shoved me in and I sat there completely stunned at what was happening before me. He doesn't have the right to do that. My brain reminded.

And he also got into the car, I decided to voice out my thoughts "You don't have the right to do that," I said confidently but no response came from him, the crazy guy was choosing to ignore me.

He started the car and drove off as though I did not even exist, I would have almost believed that if he was not gripping the steering wheel so tightly at least he was driving within the speed limit. Angry and being rational, that was certainly a good tract. My heart swerved for a second but I immediately reminded myself that he was still a playboy and a user. A frown immediately drew across my face, as I am reminded of Laura's words again, maybe I should confront him about that now, he does not exactly owe me an explanation but it would be my leverage if it turns out to be true to make him stay away from me. Would he even admit to the truth easily? Would he try to deny it instead, even though the truth was practically glaring?.

I was about to open my mouth to speak when I realized that we were driving on a path that was completely different from the one Giulia's took when we came here this evening, I am so certain of that, I have always been good in noticing my surroundings. Then why was he passing through this road, maybe I was overthinking things, it might just be another route to the house so I remained silent even changing my mind in confronting him about Laura's statement.

Minutes later, I was starting to get a bit worried, it certainly did not take that much time to get to the racing ground from the house, it was just a ten minute drive but now we had already spent up to twenty minutes in the road and the house was nowhere in sight.

Where was he taking us to? Where exactly were we at this very moment? What was he planning on doing? Was he planning to kill me?. My mind was going into a bit of a meltdown, I was worried but surprisingly I still felt oddly comfortable, there was a certain confidence in me that I was completely safe.

"Where are we going to?" I still took it upon myself to ask, since he had not giving me the courtesy of telling me. "This is not the way to the house," I pointed out, he responded to neither of the statements that came out of my mouth.

I rolled my eyes at his behavior, why was he worried about me, he should be worried about his sister and not me, this was completely ridiculous. He was giving me the silent treatment, and I should be the one angry right now knowing what I know about him and I was not blowing up or even giving him the silent treatment even though he completely deserved it.

He stopped in front of a beach house but not our beach house that was for certain. He got down from the car and I practically jumped out of it immediately as I followed him inside the house, he was meant to be the older one here but it was like he was silently throwing tantrums.

The interior was beautiful decorated, it was a bit similar to the other one were  currently staying at, I would have wanted to explore and properly admire the place but that was not the major issue to deal with right now. I followed Giovanni to a mini bar that was at one of the edge of the large parlor  that had a door beside it leading to a place I currently had no idea of, but my best guess will be the kitchen, the other beach house did not have a mini bar, most of the times I have seen Giovanni pouring a drink was in the kitchen.

I watched him pour himself a drink and gulped it all in a single goal and watched him pour another before he turned to face me.

"I see you are all calmed down now. Are  you going to answer my questions now? Where are we and why did you bring me here?"

"Why did you get into that car? What happened to your sense of reasoning and you are Giulia acted so stupidly," he gritted in between his teeth.

Of course he would ignore my question "Hey, you don't get to talk to me like that, I am not your sister," I stated boldly.

"Of course you are not my sister, you will never be, you are my woman," he responded by with so much confidence that it immediately choked me.

"I am not your woman," I fired back "And I can do whatever I want, you are not the boss of me and I am certainly not obligated to you, it is my life," I added with fierceness in my voice, I will not give him the chance of letting him talk me down.

"You are carelessly living that life by choosing to enter that car with Giulia and let her drive you at that speed," he scowled stepping closer to me, I took a step back, his close presence was making me feel like he had a sense of power over me, which he does not, absolutely not.

I chuckled at his words though, I was the one leaning carelessly, I am not the one that was and might still be frolicking with several women around the country and probably also around the world and using girls like they were disposable materials "You should speak for yourself," I gritted harshly between my teeth.

"What did you say?" He asked, he turned and dropped the glass he was holding back on the counter and then proceeds to move even closer to me.

"I-I" I stuttered for a second and then I realized, I should not be the one that should be scared to talk to him, he was the bad guy here and so I mustered up my courage and said " I should speak for yourself," I let total confidence seep through each words that had come out of my mouth.

"And what do you mean by that, I was not risking my life in a dangerous motor car race with anyone," He held a strong gaze at me, doing what he did better staring directly into my soul, I wished I can do that but I know that my eyes must be looking naive from his own view, because I was somehow naive enough to get myself romantically entangled with him.

"You know maybe you are right, you are not risking your life at all but you are certainly jeopardizing the life of the people you use."

"You are making no sense Millie." He dragged out my nickname in a way I could not describe that it almost melt my entire resolve. He was really good at what he does. Was he born this way ?or did he learn to do this from somewhere?.

"I –I know what you did to L–Laura," I stuttered, maybe a bit of my resolve have  melted.

"And what did I do to Laura?, I am very interested in finding that out, so do tell me" He stated in a challenging tone stepping even closer until there was barely a feet between us. He lifted up my chin higher so that I could look at him properly as though he was attempting to use some mystical power to hypnotize me.

"I know everything, I know how you used her, how you ruined her relationship and then discarded her like she was nothing," I voiced confidently

"Oh, really. I did that," he said in an amusing tone.

And I blinked unexpectedly due to confusion. Why was he amused? I wondered. He should not be.

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