Chapter Thirty Six- Confrontation

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36. Confrontation


It was a bad idea rather it was definitely a terrible idea, but Giulia seemed like she was hell bent on proving her point, I have almost given up on trying to make her change her mind and the only thing left for me to do now was to support her, or else why would I be seated in the passenger side, watching Giulia aggressively gripping the steering wheel, her eyes darken with determination.

My life is not in danger!, Our lives in not in danger!. I chanted in my head hoping to kill the panic in me, and yet there were people at were adrenaline junkie, how I wished I was like that at this moment. I certainly needed that kind of bravery in my life at this very moment.

A part of me was waiting for Giovanni to appear right in front of us and pull her out of the car, stopping the race entirely but so far there was no sign of Giovanni, he was not even present when we left the house, maybe he was so sure that Giulia would not go against him, well..., she did— I guess his ego might get bruised when he eventually finds out, that is if and only if we both make it out of this alive.

"Maybe, we should rethink doing this," I suggested for the nth time.

Alessandro must have heard me as he immediately stuck his head through the window "There is no turning back now, the race is about to start Giulia,"

I glared at him and a smirk immediately appeared on his face, this interaction reminded of those cartoons where the children have an imagination of having both an angel and a demon miniature on their shoulders trying to influence a decision.

"But Giulia—" I began another attempt but Giulia immediately waved her hand at me

"No need stopping me, you can get down if you are scared," she said as she spared me a glance.

"I am not scared," I said hastily even though it was a total lie, There is nothing right in risking one's life for few minutes of trying to prove a point, it just isn't worth it, also I could not leave. We already got here, this dangerous place Giovanni warned us not to go to, we even got into a racing car, I really think the point has been proven.

"Where is the opponent?" Giulia asked in a irritated voice, I immediately bent my body to look into the opponent car, and it was empty, maybe if he or she doesn't show up, the race would be canceled and our lives would be spared. I smiled inwardly hoping that that is the way things would play out.

"He is here," Alessandro announced as a smirk immediately spread across his face, the smirk looked mischievous in my opinion and it made me wonder what he was planning, surely he would not intentionally risk Giulia's life and my life as well by letting her race a mad driver.

"Shit!" I heard Giulia cursed lowly and my head immediately snapped in her direction, it was then my eyes landed on the opponent.

"Matteo!" I breathed. His eyes were directly on us, most likely on Giulia, staring at her with so much intensity.

"You can back down now if you want," Alessandro said, of course he was saying that now, he definitely knew that Matteo would be the opponent, sneaky bastard. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Absolutely not, this race would happen and I will win," Giulia gritted. She turned on the car igniting the engine.

Giulia gripped the steering wheel tightly, her knuckles turning white. I could see the determination etched on her face as she stared ahead, focused on the road. "Are you sure about this?" I asked one more time, my voice laced with concern.

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