Chapter Thirty One- Sway Me Again

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31. Sway Me Again


I woke up with a sharp pain in my lower abdomen, it was that time of the month again and it was going to be a painful one apparently most likely because of the stress I have been putting myself through.

I hissed clenching my teeth as I clasped my stomach tightly with my hands, I stumbled out of my room and down the stairs, Rosanella would be in the kitchen right now and I was hoping to get some pain relief from her again.

"Nana Rosanella, please I need some pain relief medication, I am in a lot of pain right now, it is that time of the month and I guess my body has been stressed," I rambled on.

My countenance dropped when I realized that it was not Rosanella that I had just relayed all that to. Giovanni was staring at me wide eyed, he was by the gas cooker and something seemed to be cooking on the fire. So the billionaire cooks, interesting. I shake my head.

"W–where is Rosanella?" I stuttered,

"You are in pain?" He asked, his face looking like he was worried about my wellbeing. It was too early for him to be putting up this acts.

I rolled my eyes, "I just need Rosanella. Do you know where she is?"

"No." He breathed.

"Then I will be going then," I said clamping my mouth tightly. He immediately rushed over to me and held my hands

I tilted my head in confusion. What was he playing now?

"You are in pain. Let me help you," he said softly, even his gaze softened.

I snatched my hand away from his grasp "I don't need your help," I gritted, he was trying to sway me again with that face of his that looked like he was the best being on the planet earth. What was it they said? About the devil indeed had the most beautiful angel, they might actually be right.

"I am only trying to help, you look like you are on a lot of pain and you even look kind of pale," he said

"I am not," I said firmly even though it was a lie, I was in excruciating pain but he does not have to know that, I refuse to give him the privilege of him becoming the knight in shining armor that would save the damsel. To hell to chivalry at this moment!.

"Yes you are," he gritted, he looked like he was getting pissed by me defying him but he has to know that he cannot always get everything he wants. He grabbed my hands again and I hissed removing it from his too fast that my head spins and I suddenly become light hearted and then I feel myself falling

"Emily!" I heard Giovanni call my name until I blanked out.


I opened my eyes to met a white ceiling and I was on a bed that was definitely not mine, this bed was much softer, and more comfortable than mine that if given a choice I would lie on this bed forever.

"Are you sure we should not take her to the hospital?" It was Giovanni's voice he sounded agitated, I lifted my body up a bit, Giovanni was at the corner of the room closer to the door facing Rosanella.

Then I realized, this was his room and I was in his bed, ew!. I have indirectly ended up on Giovanni's bed after boldly stating that I would never, although it was not for the same reasons as the other women but I was still on his bed, the very same bed he did the deeds with those women, my body immediately shuddered with disgust and I feel a bit of anger inside of me.

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