Chapter Twenty One - Migraine

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21. Migraine


As expected, I woke up with a migraine, a bad one. I still stood adamant on my views , Alcohol was and still is a complicated kind of pleasure, I felt incredibly good and free last night and now I felt like trash, the worst of trash, dump site would be the perfect word actually.

I don't even remember how I got home, that was pretty dangerous, I wondered what my mother would say if she could see me this very moment, she has been graced with the gift of never seeing me drunk and hopefully it stays like that, her goodie two shoes daughter had been on a wild side last night.

Last night, I blinked. The kiss with Stefano and then the kiss with Giovanni and then the dance, oh my God!, my mind screamed, did I intentionally dance seductively with Stefano to taunt Giovanni, what in the hell was I thinking?. And there it was, that guilt I had dreaded last night.

Stefano did not deserve this, he was a pretty good guy and I thought I was a good girl, well..., until now, good girls don't kiss two guys on the same day and dance seductively in front of a man that was literally engaged.

I groaned as I got up from my bed, Giulia bed was empty and it looked like she had not even slept on it in the first place, it was either that or she had already woken up a while ago. How the hell did I get home?.

I made my way straight to the bathroom. I was still in my clothes from last night, surprisingly, I did not look that much of a mess as I stared at my reflection in the mirror, but I definitely needed a shower, I could still smell a bit of alcohol around me and maybe this shower would make me feel better.

The shower did help a bit, I got dressed and made my way downstairs, maybe Rosa could get me some medications for my headache. I made my way to the dining table, to my surprise Giulia was not there, but Giovanni was present, sitting gloriously in his usual seat. Damned my luck!. I cursed internally

But it was too late to turn back now, it would be weird, it would make it seem like I was avoiding him and I really shouldn't, I did not do anything wrong, he was the one that did something wrong, he was the one that should be avoiding me.

I took my seat, far away from him, like three seats away, that was enough distance, I think. He had his eyes on me, he did not look like he was affected by anything, he looked prim in his elegant, expensive suit, sipping his coffee nonchalantly but his eyes were still on me. Why was he doing that?.

"Good morning dear. Did you sleep well?" Rosa asked as she entered the dining room and placed a plate of toasts and eggs on the table.

"Good morning Rosa, I did, thank you. I woke up with a bit of a headache, please is there anyway I can get a medication for that?"

"I will get something for you that will help, don't worry about that. Enjoy your breakfast and I will be right back" she responded with a smile and she exited the room.

"You shouldn't have had so much drink last night," Giovanni said in his usual bass tone but it sounded as though he was scolding me. He has no right to scold me, I was not Giulia or anyone related to him, for reality sakes, we were not even friends.

"I am fine" I gritted in between my teeth.

"You are not fine. You have a migraine" he responded straightforwardly, too straightforwardly.

"And I am fine" I gritted again. This was literally none of his business but lately it seems like anything I do has somehow become his business and this was all his fault to begin with, I would not have had to drink so much in the first place if he did not kiss me in that restroom, I would have had a casual but good fun time with Stefano and all that would have been in my mind would have been just Stefano's kiss but no!— this man had to come and ruin everything for me and make me such a scatter brained person suffering from a migraine at the same time.

"You are not fine," he repeated blankly.

I frowned "You know, this all your fault!" I blurted out.

He froze for a moment and dropped his cup down on the table, his facial expression had that of amusement "And how is it my fault?. I did not force those alcoholic drinks down your throat, you did that all by yourself, you chose to get drunk'"

I eyed me "Your kissed me. Why would you do that?. You are freaking engaged for goodness sake. You have a woman or we can say women if we are counting the likes of Florentina" I whispered.

God forbid somebody hears us in this house, then for sure all hell would break loose especially if Giulia finds out, I would become the new Laura, only, I would not be engaged to her brother, maybe everything happening was really his fault, maybe Laura was not the problem, maybe he was the one that seduced her and she could not resist him. Was that what he does?, seduce different women from left and right, he does have it all, the good looks, the money.

He  was casually ruining people's lives and he was planning on ruining mine as well. Poor Laura, my heart indeed breaks for her. She might be stuck with his man whore for the rest of her life. How is it possible that she does not know what is going on?. Was she not even a bit suspicious?. Or maybe she was but was she just letting him do what he wants?.

"You kissed Stefano," his words came out casually, disregarding the part where I stated that he was engaged and that he has a woman and that that woman was Laura and then the others, but he was acting like I was the one that did something wrong.

"You really have no respect for your fiancée and if you must know there is nothing wrong with that. Stefano is available, I am available, we can kiss each other if we like, you are the one that is literally unavailable" I pointed out. It was official, Mr Giovanni Marino was a deranged man.

He bangs his hand on the table. "Did you like it when he kissed you?" He gritted his teeth.

I blinked, this had to be a dream right?, it had to be "You are acting like I belong to you or something"

"You do." he bluntly said, my heart does a double flip. What the heck!.

I choked on air "What?" I asked perplexed by his declaration.

He doesn't respond, instead he gets up from his seat and just when he was about to walk away, Giulia enters the dining room, with her shoes in her arms and dresses in a man's shirt.

"Good morning," she greeted groggily.

"Good morning," I responded back, just then, Giovanni exited the dining room.

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