Chapter Seventeen- Mood Swings

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17. Mood Swings


"See you later!" I waved at Stefano and stepped into the house.

I made my way to the kitchen.

"Oh you are back dear, Giulia has been wondering where you had gone to," Rosanella gushed, as she dropped the knife in the counter, she had been slicing onions.

"Good morning Rosanella. I went for a run and  I ran into the boys as well," I responded.

"Oh that is good," she smiled "Giulia and Giovanni are at the dining table, would you like to join them?"

" I think I am okay Rosa. I got coffee and muffin,"

Her eyes widens "Certainly not!. You can eat that but you have to have a proper breakfast,"

"I am fine Rosa," I reasoned

She shook her head "I cannot allow that, you need to put in a bit of flesh before you go back to school dear, I know how school can be stressful. That means you have to eat better here," she said, "so go to the dining table now!" She insisted.

I sighed before I quietly departed the kitchen to the dining table.
"Good morning!" I greeted as I took my seat beside Giulia at least this time I will not have to seat so close to Giovanni. Whom seemed to be engrossed in his tablet, he was acting as though I was not even here

"Good morning Millie," Giulia smiled "You went for a run, you should have woken me up, I would have accompanied you and I could use a run myself." she added

"I did not want to disturb your sleep. I ran into Matteo and Alessandro, they asked about you and even Stefano was there, he escorted me home," I responded and this time, it seemed as though Giovanni had finally acknowledged my presence, his eyes were on me, suddenly whatever he was looking at in his tablet wasn't of importance anymore.

"Oh really" Giulia smirked "What did you guys talk about?. Was he the one that offered to escort you back?"

"Yeah he was the one," I responded "We—" I began but Giovanni got up from his seat abruptly and his chair immediately making a shrieking noise.

"Are you done?" Giulia asked her brother, he had a stoic expression on his face, what was his deal recently, it was like he was always angry.

"Yes." He swiftly responded and marched out of the dining table. Giulia shook her head before turning her attention back at me.

"Is your brother okay?. He seems to be upset about something" I inquired, surely, I have not been the only one noticing his mood swings.

"Uh, I don't think so. I am certain he is fine" she brushed it off lightly. Was it possible that I was overthinking things?. It might just be his normal behavior. Yeah. People are just casually upset like it was drinking water. My brain mocked. But I could not possibly think of pushing further, Giulia was his sister if she says he is fine, then I guess he is fine.

"Okay," I muttered.

"Anyways.There is a major, major party's at my brother's club tonight!" She giggled.

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