Chapter Twenty- Dance

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20. Dance


Have fun!. Have fun!. Have fun!. My mind chanted as I continuously emptied filled glasses of alcoholic drinks into my mouth. The drinks just kept coming and I kept on getting, it was like I was on a sprint. Giulia was doing the same though, maybe I can ease up a little bit, I would most definitely not be doing this again, there would be no one to mess with my mind in a night club, like what would be the odds of that of that happening again.

"Maybe you should slow down"  Stefano whispered into my ears from behind me and I swear it brought this certain frenzy into my body, why did his voice have to sound good?. Why did I have to kiss Giovanni back?, I should have pushed him away the moment his lips touch mine, maybe slap him across the face like the girls in the movies do, but I am not a fan of violence no matter the gender that was being affected, though Giovanni clearly deserved it—now I was trying to delete that memory of the restroom from my mind and Stefano was here acting like the perfect gentleman telling me to ease up on the alcohol, he was worried for me and I was worried for my sanity.

I turned to face him, "I should, shouldn't I?" I giggled, I was clearly now drunk. The DJ had switched to a subtle song, so the atmosphere felt incredibly light.

"You are drunk" Stefano, he pointed out "Do you want to go back to the booth?"

"No!" I answered immediately, there was no way I was going back to that booth. "Dance with me?" I requested. He stared at me as though he was trying to decipher what was in my mind "I promise you, I am not drunk yet..., just a bit tipsy and I know that is what a drunk person will say but I truly am not."

"Okay fine," he responded and I smiled, I wrapped my hands around his neck, and we both swayed to the music. It felt magical, it felt right because this was the right thing, not someone trying to sway me from the right thing. Even if Stefano and I end up not having a proper relationship, I refuse to do the wrong thing, that is get myself entangled with an almost married man.

"You look beautiful Emily," Stefano complimented out of nowhere, I smiled. Guilty conscience!.

"Thank you,". I rest my head against his shoulders, it still felt right, it still felt incredibly right, then what happened before, why did I let myself get carried away.

The music switches to a sultry, sensual beat and the atmosphere in the club shifted instantly. The people had immediately changed their dancing patterns and were now swaying to the sensual rhythm. I removed myself from Stefano's shoulder that was when I was able to see Giulia, whom as a matter of fact looked like a vixen grinding against Matteo's bodies, they were moving in sync that it appeared like they were in some music video.

Watching her—kind of gave me some certain boldness, like she says, have fun. "Do you want to dance to this?" I turned my attention back to Stefano and asked increasing the volume of my voice so that he would hear me. He stared at me like I had grown an extra pair of head, I know because I was suggesting this must be the confirming to him that I was indeed drunk, maybe I was, but I was just trying to have fun, I might not get to do this again for a while, there was a certain rush of excitement inside of me that I could not explain , Giulia might have been my inspiration but the music and alcohol in my system contributed greatly to it as well.

I do not wait for his response and began swaying my hips to the music and it did not take long for Stefano to catch on, he placed his hands on my waist and I pulled myself closer to him, my own way of reassuring him that I was okay with it.  Alcohol was indeed magic!. Tomorrow when this all wears off, I would be confronted with reality.

I was lost in the sensuality of the song, maybe too lost that I would not have noticed Giovanni's eyes on me if I had not looked in the direction of the bar. He was there seated comfortably in one of the stools, did he follow me here?, what was his problem?.

He stared at me intensely, even though Laura was practically in front of him, bent over and dancing her ass off. He should be focused on his woman and not on me.

He was trying to intimidate me, just because he has it all ,does not mean he can control everything, he is a self absorbed man. He clearly does not want me, I was barely like his types, I was a game to him, how fun and easy it would be for his little sister best friend to fall for his charms, he just wants to play with me, he was the predator and somehow he had chosen me to be his prey, or else why would he have kissed me, he expects me to be like one of those girls that would readily dropped their pants for him just to prove a point that he was domineering and irresistible, men like him always did that.

Maybe, I would have if he was not a chronic cheater. Goodness , I was definitely going crazy!, I groaned internally but a month ago, I would never have been having these thoughts of dropping my pants down for any man, I never would have, now I was losing it, first with Cole. Was I going through some kind of second puberty kind of thing?.

Still he had a fiancée, I know for sure that I would not want my man having sexual encounters with other women so I would not want to do that to another woman. Like Giulia said, have fun, that was exactly what I was going to do and since he wants to stare, I might as well give him something to watch.

The DJ was definitely in my favor at the moment he switched to a more sensual song, and I slowly moved my hips and waist to the beat, while he stared more intensely at me, his eyes almost appeared darkened or it might just be my imagination or most likely the lightening of the club, there was still the fact that my body contained a reasonable amount of alcohol to consider me drunk.

One would think that Stefano was in on it with me, because he was moving in sync with me, I never knew I could dance like this, but then again maybe everyone can when they are intoxicated. With the music pulsating, I swear it had somehow become far greater than just proving a point to Giovanni, I was really enjoying the dance, I was losing myself in the passion of the dance and I was liking it.

When the song finally ends, Stefano and I pulled apart, breathless.
"Perfetto!" he whispered into my right ear, he was currently standing at my side and he threw in a bright smile. God he looked good with that smile. I smiled back and just when I glanced back at the bar, Giovanni was gone. It was like he was never there in the first place.

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