Chapter Thirty Two- A playboy damsel

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32. A playboy damsel

I woke up feeling a weight on my legs, I look down to see Giovanni head slightly resting on my legs, he was seated on the floor and sleeping, the playboy billionaire was literally on the floor, I had to blink twice to make sure I was not hallucinating. But why exactly was he doing this, I was not that unwell for him to what to be this close to me and why would he even care so much for me? I have to figure this out, the sooner the better, Giulia would be back soon and I am not sure I would be able to hide my emotions properly.

"Hey!" I called out softly, he stirred up a little but he did not wake up. I started at his face, he looked like those fictional characters, the handsome prince or rather king, and he looked so peaceful, and like a decent that did not toy with women emotions for his pleasure. I blinked and shook my head lightly, I have to keep my head straight "Giovanni!" I called out once again, his eyes flutters open slowly, before he regains full consciousness back to the present.

"Emily! Are you okay? Are you in pain?" He asked jumping up to his feet immediately, his facial expression already reading worried.

Here we go again. "I am fine" I said,

"Oh, that is good then," he replied

I sighed "Giovanni, you need to tell me," I voiced desperation evident in my words.

"Tell you what?" He asked looked absentminded.

I got up from the bed

"You should not do that, you should not stress yourself," he said in a worrisome tone.

"I am fine," I said once again and I sighed once again, forcing myself from flaring up, I need answers not him worrying about my health that is in fact perfectly fine, and I would not be able to get any information if I let my emotions ruled me "Giovanni you know what I mean," I said in the calmest of voice. "I do not understand why you are doing all this things. It makes absolutely no sense to me. Why were you even here on the floor by my side and if you are not willing to give me a befitting answer then I request that you stay away from me please,"

A frown immediately settled on his face for a second or two before it was replaced with a straight face "if I tell you, you will accept me?" He asked though it sounded less like a question rather like a demand.

I ignored it, at least for now "I never said that. I will not promise you that because it is something I cannot give,"

"And why?" He asked looking a bit taken aback by my response. What exactly was he expecting?, I would just run into his arms and everything will be like happily ever after. Giovanni must really believe in fairytales. The fearless billionaire must just be a damsel. A playboy damsel, my mind reminded, I guess the playboy status would not be leaving him anytime soon.

"You know why Giovanni, I should not be explaining this to you, it makes me think that you have not been told no your entire life," I stated

"I am in love with you," he stated boldly.

I blinked completely stunned, it was not the first time he was saying it but it still sounded unbelievable "You have said that before. Really, really difficult to believe that Giovanni —How is that even possible? When did this even happen? You have to make sense of this because it makes absolutely no sense," I voiced desperately.

He huffed "Forget I said anything" he said as though he was making his way to flee from the room, but I would not allow that happen today.

I frowned immediately, was he being serious right now. What was wrong with this man?
"You can't be serious. Are you trying to avoid giving me a legit answer after intentionally raising questions in my mind, I cannot let that happen," I tried to reason with him.

"What do you feel for me?" He asked

"That is not is important at the moment," I immediately responded, and it truly wasn't, how I felt about him was the least thing to worry about at the moment at least to me, I just wanted to understand the game that this man was playing, having me watched for years and randomly confessing love to me was not in my plan when I took this trip to Italy, as a matter of fact almost getting entangled with two men was the least thing I would have imagined would have happened in this trip but here I was stuck in the middle of a gentleman and a confused man that was as well somewhat both claiming to have some sort of feelings for me. Though somehow, in a way, Giovanni was right to ask that question he had just asked, what did I feel for him exactly and what did I feel for Stefano, I personally needed to answer that for myself.

"Do you have feelings for Stefano?" He asked

I frowned again, "Do you have a problem with answering questions when asked, I asked for answers first to my questions yet you want me to give you answers without you giving me the answers that I want,", I could see it in his eyes he was intentionally trying to avoid my questions.

"I have given you an answer. I am in love with you," he straightforwardly said.

"And that is not an answer. You were engaging just a week ago or so and now this. How do you engage Laura and flock around several women and now claim to be in love with me,"

He tightened his jaw "It was not meant to happen,"

"What was not meant to happen?" I asked as my curiously immediately flared up.

"You," he breathed.

"Me?" I asked, I don't know how but my heart starts beating aggressively against my chest, but why was I anxious about this, I was the one that wanted an answer yet I was somehow afraid of the answer that I would get. I don't know what to feel, what answer I wanted. The billionaire magically in love with a simple girl, that only happened in movies, but a billionaire playing a simple, naive girl, that most definitely happens in real life.

"I only wanted to know who my sister would be staying with for her safety and then I became drawn to you," he said

"Oh, okay. You are a bit attracted to me,"

"I am not a bit attracted to you," he clenched his jaw as though he was trying to hold himself back, even his hands were tightened in a fist, "I am completely and irrevocably attracted to you,"

I gulped down on nothing, livid hearing the words coming out of his mouth.

" I wanted to stay away,tried distracting myself with other women. You know we don't actually make for a socially acceptable couple" he continued "But I can't stay away anymore,"

I just stayed at him completely dumbfounded, he might be real about what he was saying, still it was difficult to believe.

"Emily, say something," he soothingly requested but I was trying to process why he had just said, maybe a bigger part of me was expecting everything to be fluke and just one his is playboy antics then it would have been easier to deal with, I would have just told him off and demanded he stayed away from me but this I don't know what to feel and what to do.

Keep an open mind, Stefano's voiced suddenly echoed in my mind again, Giovanni might not be a confused man after all and Stefano as never been a confused man from the beginning. So I did the only thing I could think about at that every moment, I fled the room and I could hear him calling after me but I didn't stop until I was safely back in my room with the door perfectly shut before I finally released a breath of relief. I was definitely a coward.

Author's note:

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Until next time,

xoxo 💋

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