Chapter Two- Rich Kids

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Chapter Two- Rich Kids

Cole was hosting this party as well, it was his final party since he would be graduating this semester.

The loud music could be heard from across the street the moment we pulled into Cole's luxurious house, it is strange that Cole gets to live in a house like this when he was only just a college student, Rich kids, I was not saying that Cole was pampered but it was too extravagant for a college student. It was solely my opinion.

Giulia and I got out of the car and headed straight into the house as usual Giulia was getting heys and hellos from various students while I just trailed behind her silently but she was right about one thing, I had successfully managed to turn a few heads in this party.

It seems like Giulia knew exactly where to go as she lead us through the crowd to exactly Cole was seating. I have been to Cole's house a couple of times in the past but I have never attended a large party like this in his place where there were people everywhere, alcohol and loud music, truthfully I would get lost, even the freshman party was not held in this house.

"Hey Millie!" Cole shot me a toothed grin the moment his eyes were laid on me, a couple of his friends were gathered in a couch, males and females alike as per usual Giulia seemed to be familiar with all of them while I on the other hand only recognized Damien and Eric, Cole's closest buddies that also played on the football team.

"Hey Cole!" I waved at him somewhat shyly, it has been a while since I last saw him, probably a month ago, my exams seemed to have driven any form of social interaction away from me.

"The bird finally came out to play. You look stunning Millie" He said and enclosed me in a hug. The nickname slightly got to me, I was never a big fan of nicknames or pet names but I bear with it for so long as I could until it did not bother me as much anymore—and Millie kind of sounded nice. Maybe.

"Thank you" I said, his friends waved at me and I waved back, it was a bit awkward but it was something I could manage, whether I liked it or not I was already here so I had to suck it up and this would be somewhat like a training practice for the future, I would meet people and I would have to get acquainted with them one way or the another then I can choose who to keep or who to stay away from but I know there will be times when I would be stuck with no choice.

Giulia handed me a plastic cup containing some kind of alcohol, the stench hit me so hard, I had not realized when she had gone to get it, I would have told her not to get it.

I took a sip of the content, it was not bad but it was definitely a taste I could do without, I am more of a wine person and that was thanks to my mother, when I turned seventeen, she had deemed it fit to start giving me a little alcohol every Sunday during dinner, something along the line on how I was too responsible and I should live a little, it was not bad parenting but I guess she was worried about me being too closed up and antisocial, her methods are questionable but she was my mother and I understood her perfectly.

"Do you want to dance?" He asks, I was a bit hesitant but Giulia flashed me a playful warning glare that I was immediately pressured into accepting his proposal, it was just a dance and it was just Cole, I would be fine I think.

He lead me to where the couples where almost aggressively grinding against each other, the music was good but I am quite certain that they were completely intoxicated.

Cole moved his body to the beat while I was completely clueless on what to do, he laughs teasingly "Come on Emily, I know you have it in you" he shouted over the loud music.

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