Chapter Thirty Five - Family Dinner

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35. Family Dinner


"Excuse me," I said hastily before almost literally running out of the cafe, there goes my coffee and my muffins but I could not even properly complain about that all because my stupid heart had decided to ache from the words that had just spewed out of Laura's mouth concerning Giovanni and it felt like the complete truth, it was something Giovanni would be capable of doing, the truth was indeed bitter and my tongue immediately grew a bitter taste as I sped walked back to the house, another reason why I should have just let Giovanni go when he opted to stay away from me but was he really going to do that, maybe he was just deceiving me, he knew I was going to stop him from leaving, he knew that I had completely fallen under his charms because that was the plan from the beginning.

I am a fool.

"Another morning walk without me again," Giulia complained the moment she set her eyes on me when I stepped into the dining room.

My eyes settled on Giovanni seated in his usual sit, dressed beautifully and whom also had his eyes on me, the eyes of a predator staring at his prey. I tore my eyes away from him before Giulia realized that I had my focus on her brother, it was meaningless now, there was no need to damage our friendship for her overly self centered and deceitful brother.

"I am sorry," I said in a regretful tone, maybe I should have even invited her to join me on the walk, Lauren would not had the audacity to walk up to us in the cafe and say those things, Giulia would have immediately jumped her.

You are running from the truth.

And my mind was right, I was indeed trying to run from the glaring truth.

"Join us for breakfast?" She asked and I should have said yes but instead I shook my head rejecting her proposal, I guess I was on in the mood of sitting in the same space with Giovanni.

He is not yours, he is not your boyfriend.

My mind scolded another truth, he really wasn't but I could not help how I was feeling, a feeling of betrayal even though I should not feel that way, Giovanni has not really promised me anything, he had professed his love to you, which in fact was an actual lie to lure me and my heart had slipped beats hearing that lie, I was a darn fool.

I stare at his perfect face, his perfect deceitful face, that might as well has ruin lots of lives in fake promises, I wondered how Giulia would feel knowing that Laura was not the only villain here, her brother was also a villain in the story.

"Are you sure?" Giulia asked giving me a puzzled look.

I gave her a small smile as the half-lie flow easily from my mouth saying "I had coffee and muffin at a cafe in town," it would have not been a lie if Laura had not interrupted my meal and also possibly ruin my day.

Giovanni raised his eyebrows at me, of course he knows something was up with me, his eyes were judging me and if only he was psychic he would have known what I was going through at the moment, maybe it was not a bad thing for him to be able to pick into my mind as see my very thoughts of him at the moment, to know that I was angry at him and I was angry at myself for getting mixed up in his webs of evil.

"I will take my leave now," I said with a small smile and I was almost out of the door when Giovanni voice stopped me and I stopped and faced them once again.

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