Chapter Twenty Eight- Fresh Air

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28. Fresh Air


....,"Where is Giulia?" Matteo asked

"She is gone." I responded, he ran his hands through his hair frustratedly.

"Fuck!" He cursed lowly, "Why would she leave without telling me?" He asked, his tone totally laced with frustration as well.

"She would be back though," I reasoned with him,

He chuckled sarcastically "Back to ignoring me again,"

"Oh" I muttered lowly, "Maybe you should try to talk to her when she gets back,"

He chuckles again "What difference would it make? She even got my parents to stop me from coming to the house when she was around,"

I blinked, I had no idea of that, Giulia was really taking this staying away thing so far, we were practically in the same town for the holiday, how was she hoping on avoiding him for the rest of the time we would spend here. "I did not know that," I voiced

"Of course she would not tell you that, she likes to always handle things are own way." He replied. He sighs. "Did she tell you about what happened between us?"

"Yes," I breathed.

"And did she tell you why she is avoiding me?" He asked.

"I—I" I stuttered, I don't know what to say, should I get myself involved with Matteo and Giulia issues, it was really not in my place to, I don't even think I would be able to help, I can barely even help myself at the moment.

"It's fine. I am sorry Emily, I guess I will just have to figure it out myself," he responded and he was about to leave when I stopped him with my words.

"Just try to be patient with her," was all I said, he gave me a curt nod before exiting the room.

I slopped down on my bed, the drama on this trip was really getting too much to handle.


It was already evening, I had spent my time binging on a series until I was now starting to lose interest in the series that I had to stop.

I cannot take it anymore, I can't keep doing this to myself, I can't keep hiding in my room like I was some sort of a criminal. So much for hanging out with Matteo, Matteo clearly has issues to deal with, issues with my best friend, whom had literally dumped him on me to be one of my playmate and Alessandro on the other hand was well..., too busy at the moment, I called him like five minutes ago to maybe try to hang out but he seemed to be busy with that certain red haired that he even did a video call to prove his point, I don't even know what I was think when I even called him.

Alessandro and I seemed like we have nothing in common but I was in a desperate situation right now, to think I was usually comfortable staying on my own in the past, well..., the time before this trip.

Fuck it, I can have fun all by myself and I will do so without having a worry in my mind.

I got up from my bed and put on a summer dress and headed out of the house down to the beach,

I inhaled deeply taking the fresh air into my body, this felt good, it was like I had no worries, this was really what I needed at the moment, just sitting on the sand, staring into the water with the sun going down. It was perfect.

"You did not last long this time," I heard his voice from behind me causing me to snap my head back immediately, he was few feet away dressed in a suit. Who even wears a suit on the beach. What was he doing here in the first place? Just when I had thought that I had found some peace.

"What do you mean?" I asked as a frown settled on my face.

He walks closer to me until he was standing backing the water "You are trying to hide from me just like before," he said.

"I-I never did that," I stuttered, how did he know I was avoiding him that time?. I did not think that I was that obvious.

He chuckled "You did, but I never got to know why. I have reasons why you might be avoiding me now." He said as he squatted down to face me in the eyes.

My breath hitched, he was too close for my liking, bad things always happen when he was too close, but I could not wield myself to move away.

"You are quiet. Why?"he cocked his head to the side, he had this expression on his face that kind of seemed like he was trying to read my thoughts. Thank goodness we were in the real world and not in those mystical places where it might have actually been possible. The real world suddenly does not feel so bad after all. I can't let this man get to me, I simply can't.

"I am not quiet and there is no reason because I was not avoiding you then and I am not now either." I lied effortlessly and I got up from the sand, he got up as well from the squatting position.

I had already turned to leave when he stopped me holding me by my hand. "Are you sure?" He asked whispering into my ears, it immediately sent this shiver down my spine. The good shiver, and my heart skipped a beat, No! No! No! I should not be feeling anything good when I was near him, my body was my biggest enemy and I am just realizing it now.

Be focused, I scolded my heart, my mind might be willing to stay on track but my heart and body were fully against it.

"I am sure," I declared in the boldest voice I could conjure as I turned to face him, the boldness in his eyes dwindled a bit as though I had hurt his feelings, I know it was all a part of his game, Giovanni does not have feelings for any woman that was not related to him by blood and or maybe Rosanella as well, every other woman were simply objects to him that he tossed left and right. "What reasons did you think I had for trying to avoid you?" I asked boldly as well, I was even surprised at my own boldness.

"I like the fire in your eyes," he said surprising me.

"W-what?" And there it was my confidence sucked away, damned my heart and its softness. He was really good at this, he might as well be the best.

"I said I like the fire in your eyes. The same fire you usually have when you have does study dates in your university and you teach them the parts they don't understand," he said and his eyes widens at the end of his statement, he definitely did not mean to blurt that out.

But, what the heck!.

My eyes widens as well "What the hell!". How did he know that I had study dates?. "What do you mean? How did you know about the study dates? Did Giulia tell you about that?" The last question was most likely not possible, it made no sense why GIulia would tell her brother about my study dates and even if she did, how did he know how my eyes looked when I attended those study dates.

He clenched his jaws as though he regretted saying what he just said, he should because what he had just said made no sense whatsoever to me, but it was too late for that, he had to give me an answer.

"Answer me!" I demanded, "Have you been stalking me?" I asked in disbelief as my eyes widens, I stepped back from him. It can't be, he can't possibly have been stalking me from another country right?. He is a billionaire. My mind reflected.

He did not respond instead he walked away leaving me standing there in utter confusion.

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