Chapter Twenty Nine- Wrong timing

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29. Wrong timing


He certainly cannot walk away from this after what he just revealed, he had to give me an answer or as a matter of fact, answers. So I ran after him and stopped only when I had caught up to him. I stood in his front preventing him from walking away. "Give me an answer!" I demanded again

He clenched his jaws once more "It is nothing," he swiftly responded

"It is not nothing. You have been stalking me and I think you know things you should not have known unless you had been present there so I demand to know why you have been watching me and for how long." I said boldly.

He stared at me intensely, his gaze so strong like he was aiming to pierce through my head to get to the other side, he held his gaze for seconds and then he began "Emily—"

"Emily!" I heard my name from another voice. Giovanni stiffened and then Alessandro showed up beside us. Wrong timing! I screamed internally.

"Good evening Mr. Marino," Alessandro greeted.

"Good evening Sandro," he responded back and then he turned to face me "Emily, you will catch a cold, my sister would not be pleased if you fell sick while in my care." He said feigning concern and after that he walked away. He literally escaped answering my questions all because of Alessandro. I could not stop him this time, it would warrant suspicions from Alessandro and he might get to find out that I was somehow involved with Giovanni and at the same time involved with his cousin, I will definitely be despicable in his eyes if he finds out.

"Hey Emily!. I came to your rescue," He chirped.

I did not need rescuing, at least not now, I wanted to say instead I had to say "Thank you," even adding a small smile afterwards "What are you doing here?" I asked completely curious that he showed up at this time.

"I came to save you from boredom. You know you should have your phone close to you always," he responded in an almost scolding voice "Giulia said you might need some company, so I came. I couldn't reach you on your phone, my mom said you were on the beach, so here I am," he explained.

"Sorry about that, thank you for coming," I responded, if he had came few hours earlier that would have been awesome, I would not have had to come to the beach and stumbled on Giovanni but I would not also have found out about the strong possibility that Giovanni knew things about me he should not have known before we even met.

"So what do you want to do for fun?" He asked enthusiastically, but all I wanted to do at this moment was just to get answers from Giovanni or better still just lie on my bed and ponder on how I can get my answers but I know I would not be able to do that, he came all this way to keep me company, that would be rude.

"Why don't you suggest," I replied.

He chuckles "Are you sure about that. I have to remind you Emily, I am not Matteo, I live my life on the wild side."

I rolled my eyes, of course he lived on a wide side, it was practically written all around his body, I was the crazy one for even asking him to even suggest in the first place, still I was bad at suggesting anything.

"Fine. Fine," he lifted his hands in a surrender "I will not scare you away so you why don't we go old fashion. Let's watch a movie, come on." He nudged and we started held back to the house

"And what would have been the new fashion?" I asked curiously

"Hmmm, maybe an underground car race,"

"What!" I screamed out in shock

He chuckles "It is really fun, it is just like the one in the movies,"

"Definitely not going to be involved in that." I voiced out boldly.


On normal circumstances, I would have been screaming my head off affected by the gruesome scenes from the horror movie Alessandro was making us watch, but I wasn't, and it was not because the movie was bad or not scary enough, it was that my mind was not in the movie, my brain could not process the scenes and create the screams and fright that was to go with it, and it was all because of Giovanni, I have always been the believer of owning up to your actions but it turns out that I have been quite mistaken , there are some actions that can be easily influenced by outsiders and those actions were nearly impossible to resist.

"I thought you said you hated horror movies and cannot bear the scary scenes," Alessandro said, his voice bringing my attention back to reality. He was lying on Giulia's bed.

"Huh—Yeah." I mumbled out.

He eyes me giving me a straight face "You have not screamed once and we are already half way through the movie. You deceived me Emily."

"I did not deceive you, it is the truth, I really cannot sit through a horror movie." I defended

He gave me the same look, like my response had sounded dumb "You are sitting through it just fine like it a rom-com,"

I sighed, I can't really explain to him why my head was in not in the movie "But why exactly would you want to hear me scream?" I pointed out.

"You know. It would be fun," he shrugged "Natalie does not like horror movies as well."

"Natalie?" I asked my body perked up immediately shamelessly eager for a gist, I have also never really been interested in another one's business in the past, it turns out I am now.

He awkwardly chuckled "She is the red head you met at the beach and maybe at the club,"

"Oh!" I muttered. "You too are an item?"

"Well..., it is complicated." He responded.

I rolled my eyes, everything was pretty much complicated at this point, why do humans have to make everything complicated. You do too!. My mind screamed "Of course it is complicated, yet the two of you act like you are official," I said

He chuckled " You have been watching me Emily, you are not all that innocent, are you?" He narrowed his eyes at me.

"I never said I was innocent," I immediately defended, it was the truth though, I don't think I have been giving the innocent aura, I just feel that I am basic.

"You don't have to say it Emily. You look like a good girl even from a mile away," he said.

Good girls don't kiss two men in the same night, I almost blurted out but fortunately for me I held myself back. I shrugged, feeling a bit restless, I was almost starting to sound like a lie or rather like a fake.

Alessandro phone rang and it turned out to be from Natalie, he got up and stepped out of the room to answer the call, I simply just stared at the screen, minutes passed and then he stepped back into the room.

"Something came up Emily. Natalie just drunk-called me, she is at some bar." He said with a guilty expression on his face.

I guess their relationship was really complicated "I will be fine Alessandro, you can go," I responded giving him a simple smile. It would be dangerous for Natalie if she was alone and intoxicated.

"Thank you Emily, I will make it up to you tomorrow I promise," He smiled back "See you tomorrow then." He added and he excused himself from my room.

I collapsed back on my bed feeling completely exhausted despite the fact that I had not really engaged in anything strenuous today, I was mentally exhausted. All this needed to stop, I need to understand what game Giovanni was playing, I refuse to remain the pawn in this sick game he has created.

And I will be able to understand all this when I get my answers and I am getting my answers this night, I got up from my bed and marched out of my room.

I went straight to Giovanni's room with so much determination coursing through my veins. I knocked immediately when I reached the door of his room and entered immediately only to come face to face with Giovanni that was just exiting the bathroom covered with just a towel around his waist and his hair wet, it all kind of made sense to what made those girls jump straight into his arms. He looked sinfully good. Too sinfully good, fuck!.

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