Chapter Seven - An Italian Playboy

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7. An Italian Playboy


My feet felt heavy as I dragged them down the staircase but I had no choice, Giulia was pulling me along and was continually talking about all the fun activities that she had planned for us today but I could not catch a definite word of one of the exact activity that we would partake in today, my mind was somewhere else.

The memory of events that happened earlier in the morning when everywhere was still dark was still fresh in my mind.

She pulled me towards the dining room and just when we entered Giovanni who was seated at the head of the table had his eyes were already on us, well..., maybe on me but I can be delusional sometimes, maybe this was one of those times, maybe I would have completely believed that they were not exactly on me if what happened earlier in the morning did not happen. I just had to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.

It was as though Giulia was plotting against me because it made no sense why she would place me by the right hand side of her brother and I had been too much of a coward to go against her, this would be my first breakfast meal hear, maybe I should just sit through it quietly.

"How was your night Giulia?, I hope you were able to sleep well, I heard noises yesterday downstairs" he casually said, he was taunting me, this overgrown handsome man was taunting me, I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs that I was not the one creating noise, his lover was the one screaming at the top of her lungs. Was it really that good?, my mind questioned.

"Your cheeks as reddened, do you feel well, I would not want our guest to be uncomfortable" He added in the same casual voice, why was he doing this?, I immediately clammed my face together, there was no way I was blushing at this moment, at this point of time, why was my body betraying me, Giulia narrowed her eyes at me.

"Maybe you should get a proper sleep Emily" she suggested, I was about to take her up on her offer and exit the room but I stopped myself when she added "She couldn't sleep last night, she wandered about, that must have been where you heard the noise from. My brother is not really a deep sleeper"

I was not the one making the noise, your brother was not sleeping at all, he was busy behind over females, I screamed internally but I simply nodded saying " of course"

"Oh, I see, you should sleep in, it would be best if you do not stray around at night" he warned in his strong Italian accent sending currents round my body.

"I am fine thank you, I won't" I responded, I was definitely not going anywhere near there again until I leave this house and back to mine. He simply nodded and continued with his food, I munched on mine, the food looked delicious but I had no appetite for it, I was not comfortable sitting so close to him.

"Oh, you guys are already having breakfast" I heard a subtle feminine voice say in an Italian accent and my head immediately snapped in the direction of where the voice was coming from.

A tall redhead woman wearing a black body  that hugged her model figure strutted into the dining room and straight up to Giovanni placed a deep kiss on his lips and Giovanni kissed her back with equal passion, this time I did not need anyone to tell them that my face was red because I knew they were red from embarrassment, nothing prepared me for this kind of public display of affection this morning like what they had last night was not enough, how had I completely forgotten that his lover would perhaps be joining us for breakfast and Giulia just had to have made me sit in the exact position, his lover should have been seated.

"Good morning Laura" Giovanni said in a deep hoarse voice, deeper than the way he spoke to me, it was like he was intentionally trying to seduce her and I swear that I heard her purr.

And then it clicked in my head, he said Laura, he said Laura, my brain repeated as though it was trying to confirm what my eardrums had relayed to it.

Laura was not the girl from last night, Florentina was the girl from last night, if my memory serves me correctly.

"Good morning my love" she placed a quick kiss again before turning her gaze towards Giulia "Good morning Giulia, I am delighted that you get to join us this summer" she gave her a bright smile, Giulia rolled her eyes, was she not in good terms with her brother's maybe second lover?.

"You are the one joining us Laura, this is my house, I can come and go anytime that I like" Giulia responded, Giovanni sucked in his breath, a frown settled on his face.

"I understand Giulia, not to worry, very soon I will be part of the family" Laura brightly announced like she had just been given gold.

But wait again, what did Laura mean by she was going to be part of the family as if answering my question, Laura turned over to me, her flawless face still adorned with a perfect smile "Well it is nice to meet you, you must be Emily, Giovanni informed me that one of Giulia friend would be joining us. I am Laura, Giovanni's soon to be wife" she concluded and stretched out her for an handshake.

My eyes widens in shock. This woman was his fiancée, but she was not the one he was arrogantly digging his rod through before the break of dawn, I turned over to him and he had a stoic expression on his face, I felt the temptation to want to slap him across the face at that moment, he was a despicable man, he might be one of the hottest creature to ever have walked this planet but it didn't matter because he was a cheating bastard, he was a deceiver.

"Are you okay?" I hear Laura ask startling me back into realization,

"I am fine" I swiftly responded and accepted her handshake, but I was not done, he should get a piece of his own medicine "You are so beautiful Laura, you look like a Florentina though, blooming like a flower, it is one of a few names that I know in Latin but it would have fitted you perfectly" I added flashing my brightest smile, Giovanni tightened his free hand into a fist, his jaw tighten as well he was not the only one that was skilled in taunting.

Laura giggled "An American girl with words, I like that, Florentina is a lovely name, it quite common over here too"

"Oh really, it is like saying  everyone has a Florentina close to them" I continued with my taunting, Giovanni has proven to be an Italian playboy but there was nothing more I despised that a cheating man, a man that did not know his responsibility, a man like my father. I know it was none of my business whatsoever he does with his life, I did not even know him like that, the only thing I knew was that he was Giulia elder brother and a cheating Fiancé of a woman called Laura but maybe the world would be a better place if people actually stood up to the bad guys, so this was my own way of standing up to a bad guy.

Laura laughed again, "You have quite a humor Emily, but I do not think so, that would be impossible" while Giulia glared at me, her eyes were warning me to stop being so overly friendly with her brother's fiancée but what she does not know was that I wasn't doing that.

Giovanni got up from his chair "Have a nice day the two of you" he gritted as he grabbed Laura by her hand and pulled her out of the dining room but one thing was certain I have certain succeeded in making Giovanni annoyed.

"Hey, what was that for?" Giulia asked tossing a pie of her bacon at me

I shrugged "I was just trying to be nice"

Giulia rolled her eyes "of course".

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