Chapter Twenty Four- Kitchen again

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24. Kitchen again


I knew I should not have gone through the kitchen door after I saw Stefano off, but I stupidly did, I should have known that there was something about this Kitchen that was out to get me.

Giovanni was resting by the counter when I entered the kitchen, there was a whiskey glass in his hand, at this point I am almost certain that whiskey was his favorite drink. He paused when he sees me.

"How was your walk on the beach?" He asked.

I blinked, how did he know that?. Was he stalking me?. "How did you know I went for a walk on the beach?" I asked as I narrowed at my eyes at him. He rose up his body up from the counter and walks closer to me .

I took steps backwards in my attempt to avoid him until my back hit the sink and there was nowhere else to go to, I have been cornered. "S—stay back" I stuttered, though I wished that I didn't, he would feel like he has some sort of effect on me.

"Why should I Millie?"he asks, his coarse voice sounding deeper than it usually did, this was what he did, this was how he seduced those woman, well...,maybe also flaunting his wealth as well.

"Don't call me that, only people close to me call me that and could you please step back" I said boldly, he has to know that he had no effect on me, I was in complete control of myself.

"Does Stefano call you that?" He asks without bulging from his position. He towered over me still, that I was forced to stare at him in the eyes.

"Yes!" I lied, if there was anyone among the two of them that deserves to call me Millie, it would be Stefano and not him. He brought you home last night, my mind reminded. He brought me home because he knows he was the one to blame for me being in that condition, if he did not kiss me, I would not have had to consume that much alcohol to distract myself or even dance the way I did in the first place. "Mr Marino, I do not think that your fiancée would appreciate you being this close to me. It is disrespectful" I pointed out boldly. If I was going to regain my composure, I have to let this man know that I will not fall for his antics, that I am immune.

"Is that the problem?. Laura?. Is Laura the problem?" He asks staring at me intensely.

What did he mean by that?, how did my words of keeping a respectful distance between us led to Laura being a problem. The only problem I would have with Laura is when she finds out that I kissed her man, technically Giovanni initiated it but I had being a fool to kiss him back and dance so seductively in front of him purposely. "I do not see how this relates to that. Thank you for bringing me back home last night," I said as I wiggled out of his invisible cage.

I was about to walk out of the kitchen when he said "It was not a bother, you weigh nothing so it was not difficult carrying you to the room but it must have been difficult for the guys at the car wash to clean the vomit you made all over my seats last night,"

I stopped immediately on my track and turned to face him "What!" I shrieked, I puked in front of him and he carried me to the room, but there was no vomit on my dress when I woke up this morning, he was clearly lying about that, there was no way that happened. "You are lying" I said confidently.

He chuckles, he literally chuckles "You are wondering why there was none of that vomit on your dress, that is because you did most of the vomiting on me and on my chair and I helped pushed your hair out of your face and assisted you in rinsing you mouth back in your room before you went to bed. That was not all though"

"There is more?"'I asked as my face contorted into that of horror, how can there be more?, he was bluffing right?.

"Yes, I had to stop you from removing your dress, you were quiet adamant on getting naked—"

I immediately rushed and clasped his mouth shut with my palm. Getting naked?. I did that?. I don't even remember that. How would you remember, your systems were swimming in alcohol last night. My brain mocked . "Don't say that, that did not happen," I said. His eyes were on me, and his eyes seemed to have darken , then I feel it his hands on my waist and I should push him away and step back but I didn't instead the only thing I did was to drop my palm covering his mouth down. It was as though I was hypnotized under his gaze.

"You looked beautiful still" he said in his coarse voice and my eyes widens, my stomach did a triple or quadruple flip and I immediately felt a frenzy in my stomach as well. This was not a dream right. Was this an hallucination?. Did Giovanni just call me beautiful?. "You should not have worn that dress yesterday and danced with Stefano like that. You are making it difficult to stay away from you" he added and my heart began aggressively pounding against my chest like it was threatening to jump out.

"W—what?" I stuttered, trying to make sense of his words. What did he mean by it was getting difficult to stay away from me?. Maybe it was slip of the tongue or maybe he was drunk, there was little content of whiskey in the glass in his hand when I entered the kitchen and there was also a half filled bottle on the kitchen counter. It had to be it, he was drunk. "Giovanni, you are drunk. I think you meant to say those words to Laura, maybe if you miss her, you should call her over. I am sure she would be delighted to spend some time with you" I reasoned with him, his forehead immediately creased up and his face was now in a frown.

"I am not drunk. You don't know what you do to me" he said his voice so intense, "You are Millie, I know that and I will prove it to you Tesoro", he slurred out and before I could respond his lips descended mine, I could taste the whiskey in his lips while my brain try to process what was going on. He bites my lips when he notices that I was unresponsive causing me to part my lips giving him entrance just like in the restroom at the club, his hands trailed my back and immediately, I feel something I have never felt before, I never knew that my back was a spot and I moaned, I literally moaned against his lips. "Kiss me back" he said in a whisper but just enough for me to hear him.

And I was about to when I hear a voice in my head.

I want to spend more time with you

I like you.

Just keep an open mind

That was enough to snap me back into reality. I jumped away from Giovanni hold and dashed out of the kitchen as though my pants had caught on fire.

****Tesoro means 'darling' in Italian.

Thank you for reading.

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