Chapter Five- Giovanni

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5. Giovanni


Everything felt so surreal as I watched Giulia rush into her brother arms, his bright smile felt like a voodoo spell that had completely captured my soul, how could someone be this beautiful?, how was this Giulia brother?, those two questions ran through my mind simultaneously, I should have known, Giulia was beautiful girl, her brother should not fall short of that,but I never was ever interested in knowing her brother well..., until now.

Close your mouth!, close your mouth!, my brain was literally screaming but my body was unresponsive, I had always wondered how girls actually drooled over a guy, I have been been that girl, I was not saying that I have never met an incredibly handsome man, maybe I have but none of them has had that much impact on me to make me lose my sense of reasoning.

"It is finally good to put a face to the name, you have eluded all the meetings in the states, Miss Peters" Giulia brother spoke, his words were almost dripping in honey as they filled my ears, I blinked in realization to how I have successfully managed to embarrass myself in front of all this people. I was right these all trip was bad idea, what was wrong with me?, why was I finding myself captivated by him.

"It is good to meet you Sir, I-I was mostly occupied" I sheepishly responded which earned me a stare from Giulia, but I could not help it, I was never occupied when Giulia always went to see her brother, I just always made up an excuse of some sort, an excuse that has come to bite me by back in the face.

"Just call me Giovanni" his Italian accent came out stronger this time sending shivers down my spine, his eyes were on mine as though he was reading me as plain as day.

I know what he was thinking, I have become one of the thousands of girls swooning all over him. He stretched out his hand for a shake and I took it immediately, his palm were warm and it felt rough against mine and were much bigger "I understand. I trust you will enjoy your visit with us" he added as he pulled his hands away from mine. Strangely I wanted his hand to stay, I was completely losing my mind here.

Maybe I was horny, that was it, it had to be it. Why would I be feeling attracted to my best friend brother that was way older than I was. Maybe I could throw a bit of that blame on Cole maybe if we had just done the deed, I would not be feeling like this at the moment, but why now?, why all these at this moment?, I have managed to stay away from sex for so long why was my body beginning to betray me now at this moment of my life.

"I-I will try, Giulia has promised me a swerve time" I stuttered, earning another eyebrow raise from Giulia, even the brothers, Matteo and Alessandro had a smirk on their faces, they have definitely seen this before, a usual girl completely enticed by their boss.

"Good, Mrs Rosanella, please help them get settled in" he added and he excused himself.

"Right this way girls" Mrs Nosanella gestured then she instructed her sons to help us with our bags.


"My brother seems nice today" Giulia said as she collapsed on one of the bed after closing the bedroom room. She released a sigh.

"He is not usually nice?" I asked totally curious, I sat on the other bed, we would be sharing a room, our bags were still placed in the center of the room. The room was quite spacious, there was a huge window by my own bed, and I could see the beach from here, it was an incredible view.

Giulia turned her body to face me "Let me just say that today must be one of his best days" she lifted one of her eyebrows as a smile spreads across her face "I see you are smitten by my brother Em.

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