Chapter Three - A Sex Favor

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Chapter Three - A Sex Favor


"Hi!, mom" I held my phone firmly to my ear waiting for my mother's responses, she had a habit of picking up a call without answering immediately anytime she was hanging out with her friends for bunch, and unfortunately for me these was one of those days.

I am trying to get my mind from what happened last night and Giulia had not even woken up and it was already past noon, but it was expected, she came around 2a.m this morning, I am fully aware because I could not sleep my mind kept on reliving the events of last nights and I had even played several scenarios on how I could have totally avoided all this, the best scenario was me faking sick so that I would not have had to go to the party in the first place.

"Hey honey!" She gushed over the phone after taking unnecessary seconds to respond back, but she is my mother, how can I complain "How are you doing?, How is school?, How was the exams?" She asks overly excited, I was happy that she was happy, there weren't much things that made her excited, but theses days she sounds so bubbly whenever I called her, maybe she had taken up a new hobby or something, it just freaked me out to ask, how would I even ask— Hey mom, you seem genuinely happy these days, what is really going on?. That would mean that I was telling her that she had been depressed. It would hurt her, she had tried so hard over the years to put up a strong front to protect me but what she does not know what that, I knew she cried herself to sleep most of the times, I knew she stared at my dad's pictures when she thought she was alone.

"I am good. School is good as well, the exams went smoothly", I answered back, "I hear your friends in the background, I thought brunch were usually on Sundays?"

"Well..., we changed it" she said, Brunch with her friends were usually on Sundays that was why I often called her on Friday when I knew she would not be occupied with too much work, it was the least busiest day of the week for her, Orders came in mostly on Monday and by Friday everything would have been sorted out since most events were on Saturdays, Sundays became the resting day for her, that was why brunch with her friends were held on that day.

"Sunday is your free time" I stated, trying to reason with her on her choices, my mother does not do well under pressure, yes she delivers at the end but she is usually a raging bull when she was trying to fix things or figure something out, thankfully I did not inherit that from her but I was a good copy of my mother, we shared similar facial features, black hair, rounded button nose and a bow shaped lips but our eye color were different, she had greenish eyes while mine was brown, I had gotten that from my father, and a few things I would see a flick of pain in her eyes when she stared into mine, it clearly reminded her of him.

"Don't worry Emily, I have it all sorted out, I hired a manager, the business is doing so well right now so I thought it best to remove some weight of my shoulders", she explained, I couldn't believe it was my mother talking, she was someone that rarely accepted help until she had exhausted all her options.

My maternal grandmother once told me how she had refused to accept help with her wedding dress until it was two weeks to the wedding and she had not been able to pick a dress, it was at that time my mother had finally given up and accepted all the help she could get.

"Okay then" I responded with a sigh accompanied by it.

"Would you be coming home this break?" She asks

"I am not sure yet, Giulia is kind of forcing me to go to Italy with her" I announced, last night was a bit awkward, I had almost had sex with Cole but it didn't happen because we got interrupted and he was kissing another girl, the whole thing was messed up and Cole has left multiple messages on my WhatsApp, which I have chosen to ignore.

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