Chapter Twenty Two- You Do

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22. You do.


You do!, you do!, my mind screamed Giovanni's words in repeat as I laid on my bed. What did he mean by that?. Why would he say that?. I most certainly did not belong to him. He was obviously a crazy man with a sprinkle of delusion in him.

"Well..., last night was wild" Giulia commented as she got out of the bathroom, her body wrapped in a towel "You had serious fun Emily, I did not think you seriously had it in you. You owned that dance floor like a temptress" she had googling eyes.

It was all under the influence of alcohol, I would not dream of owning any dance floor if my mind was clear and she had no idea that Giovanni actions was a tipping action turning me into another different person.

"I guess so" I sighed, the night was pretty intense and now I was currently suffering from that intense night and Giovanni had to make matters worse by saying what he said in the dining room.

"I know so, Millie," she giggled excitedly like a child. "The night was perfect," she sighed dreamily.

"How did I get home?" I asked trying to distract myself from Giovanni's words.

"I think Stefano took you home, I literally have no idea, I was with Matteo. Thank God you were safe though,"

"Oh, I guess I will have to thank him. I will call him later," I responded releasing a sigh. I have to think of another thing, anything but Giovanni words, or should I tell Giulia maybe she would be able to help me, but how do I tell her that her brother kissed me and I kind of liked it and kissed him back and on the same night I kissed Stefano, literally just few minutes apart, how will I tell her that without sounding like a two faced bitch. Giovanni was the villain in this story, but I might end up being the one that would suffer. Giulia may hate me and Laura might probably kill me, I would be a fiancé snatcher, I never imagined that I would be a snatcher of anything in my entire life.

"Hey!. Hey!" Giulia's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

I blinked, "Sorry. I zoned out," I gave her an apologetic smile.

"Thinking about Stefano" she teased with a laugh, poking my arm playfully. Oh, how I wished I was, Stefano was still in my mind but Giovanni had chosen to destroy my mind. Stefano had kissed me beautifully but that memory was now tainted all because of that obnoxious man. What would happen if Stefano finds out about that kiss?. He would feel betrayed and my good name and reputation would be ruined that is for sure.

I chuckled weakly, "Kind of," I said halfheartedly.

She giggled, " I can't believe things are kind of going smoothly for you too. I know I might be too forward but I am definitely rooting for the two of you,"

"I have barely known him for a week," I pointed out. It was true though, but it did not feel like it had been a week, in fact it felt longer than that, I have barely spent two weeks here and my life had suddenly become a rollercoaster.

"It doesn't matter, not all relationship have to take time, it is not like he told you that he liked you already," She shrugged.

"He did." I confessed 'and your brother kissed me and declared that I belonged to him,'. I wanted to add that but I didn't. I couldn't.

Her eyes immediately widens "What!. When?. How?"

"Last night," I revealed, how I wished that was just the problem.

"And did you freak out?" She asked hastily.

"I didn't..., we kissed"

"What!. You kissed!" She screamed out of shock again, then she exhales deeply "I have not known guys that is quick to say the I like you word so quick and then you kissed him, that means you did not reject his confession"

"Should I have freaked out?" I asked curiously, that would add to the list of the things I was currently freaking out about.

"Not exactly Millie. But it all depends on you though, on how you feel about it," she explained coolly.

"Oh!, okay," I nodded, I clearly was lacking in certain how to understand relationships and how to feel emotions areas. if not all areas of my life now, but at that time when Stefano confessed and kissed me, I liked it, it felt right and good and now I don't know how I felt, do I really feel attracted emotionally and sexually to Stefano, if I was then, what was the thing I felt for Giovanni, did I even feel anything for Giovanni?.

"I guess, you have to figure that out," she smiled weakly.

"And you?" I asked, she was having some sort of situation-ship with Matteo, maybe if she had figured that out, she might be able to give me pointers on how I will privately deal with my situation.

"Me?" She asked confused.

"Yeah, you came home this morning in a man's shirt which I am guessing belongs to Matteo, and you kissed him yesterday on the dance floor, if I remember correctly. No offense though, but you have not been a one man woman since I have known you but somehow it seems different with Matteo,"

Giulia blinked, "look at you being all observant Millie," she sighs as she sat on her bed, "I think I really like him. You don't know this Millie, but Matteo had been my crush for the longest time than I can remember, but he did not want anything to do with me when I was much younger, which is the reason why I came to America for college in the first place," she revealed, "And now, I don't know how I feel. We had sex last night, a drunken sex." She revealed.

"What!", now it was my turn to gasp, Giulia has clearly being dealing with her own emotional stuffs and she got some action from it, well..., so far this trip was turning out to be eventful, it was like we had been teleported into another world and everything would finally go back to normal when we are out of here.

"I know," she groaned. "I ran away this morning, Matteo has not made any indication of his feelings for me and it seems like I am the one forcing things to happen,"

"Maybe you aren't, Matteo looks like he is really interested in you, unless why would he be going along with everything if he didn't" I reasoned with her, I was right, right?.

"Maybe you are right, but it would have helped if he said something you know?"

"Maybe you should have stayed to hear what he had to say this morning," I pointed out.

She shook her head aggressively "No way!" She yelped, "I am clearly not going to wait for him to wake up and tell me that it was a drunken mistake, it was a drunken mistake but I definitely do not want to hear those words come out from his mouth. Never!"

Maybe Giulia is right, she had more experience in this stuff and it would have maybe been nice to be able to talk to her about the real issue between Giovanni and Stefano, but she helped a little, I have to figure out my feelings for Stefano and all will be settled, it is either I liked or is attracted to Stefano or no one else in this vicinity and certainly not Giovanni, never Giovanni, fuck those crazy manipulative dreams and his 'you do' word.


Giulia and I spent the rest of the day in bed and watching movies from a projector Sir Aldo provided for us. The movie we were currently watching was good, it was a sci-fi movie about an apocalyptic world and maybe it would have been better if Giulia phone would stop buzzing with messages, and she refused to respond to any of them, she was intentionally ignoring them and she still refused to put her phone on silent. It was definitely from Matteo, it had to be.

"Agrhh!" She groaned before taking her phone and marched into the bathroom, I was about to follow her when a knock came to the door. I made my way to the door and opened it, it was Sir Aldo.

"Good evening Emily," he greeted.

"Good evening," I greeted back.

He smiles, "You have a visitor. Stefano is here to see you," he added.

I blinked, I was not expected any visitor at all today "Oh!. Okay. He should have called me, there would have not been any need for you to come up here to fetch me, I apologize for that Sir Aldo, please help me inform him that I will be down in a minute, thank you,"

"It was not a bother Emily, I will do that," he said with a smile and he leaves.

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