Chapter Sixteen- Whiskey

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16. Whiskey


...,"You took your time," I heard those words and flinched. It was Giovanni's voice.

The light switched on at the end of those words, he was seated on one of the couches, there was whiskey glass in his right hand with little content in it and a small remote on the other hand, I am guessing that was what he used to turn on the light. Show off!. His elbows were relaxed on his laps and then he sits up relaxing his back on the couch.

"Good evening" I greeted as I eyed him, why was he sitting in the dark in the first place?. It made me wonder.

"It is past midnight Millie , evening is long gone" he says in a coarse voice and he downs his drink dropping the empty glass on the glass table in front of him. There was that Millie thing, this time physically.

I had no idea so much time had passed, regardless,what was his deal?.

"I lost track of time. Stefano was great company, I had fun" as soon as those words left my lips, a frown settled on his face for a second or two before he quickly replaced it with a straight face.

He got up from the couch, and took slow strides towards me while I stared completely confused, what was going on right now?.

"Really. You had fun?" he said in a mocking tone, he was already standing in front of me, too close.

"Yes, I did. Is that a problem?" I asked.

He blinked, then chuckled "Not at all. But I would prefer if you would come back early. This is not your country and if anything happens to you, I would be questioned,"

"I was in safe hands," I defended, he was making no sense, he knew who I was going with.

"Safe. In this dress,"

I blinked in confusion "what is wrong with my dress?. Giovanni, I apologize for coming late since this is your house and I am a guest but with all due respect, you are not making any sense. Good morning." and I walked away and marched right up the stairs and straight to my room.

"Hey you!" Giulia gushed as I stepped into the room. She was seated on the bed, with her phone in her hand but she dropped it on the bed and rushed over to me. "How was it?" She asks excitedly.

"Why are you awake?" I asked purely out of curiosity, there was no way she was waiting for me to come back. I kicked off my heels, thankfully they were kitten heels so my feet doesn't hurt.

"I just got off the phone with Matteo—"

"Matteo?. Past midnight?" There was really something going on between the two of them.

"Hey!. Don't make this about me, you have to spill everything that happened at dinner" she scolded as she pulled me to my bed.

"Fine" I groaned "it was lovely" I smiled.

"Yes!" She squealed, "Told you, you needed this and look you are actually smiling,"


I might have good to bed late but my body was certainly running on some sort of special fuel or something unless, why would I be awake by six in the morning?, the sun was not even out.

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