Chapter Eight- Bonfire

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8. Bonfire


"Emily finish up quick, we have to leave soon" Giulia said as she got up from her seat while I increased the pace at which I placed the toast and eggs into my mouth.

But then I stopped abruptly "I thought you wanted me to sleep in" I pointed out giving her a side eye, she was the one that offered that few minutes ago when the Italian playboy was present. Douchebag!, it still irks me to think that most attractive men tend to be players, such a waste of beauty.

She rolls her eyes "I was just being nice" she responded, copying my tone as well, I shrugged feeling completely defeat, "Of course I was not going to let you sleep in, you have the night for that, think of it this way, we go out and then you return back so exhausted that you have no choice but to sleep, you would not have to wander around and my brother would not have to complain"

I frowned "I—" I began but I stopped myself, I was so close to telling her what had actually happened yesterday but Giulia certain did not deserve to know the sexual details of her cheating brother. "Fine I will go"

"Like you had a choice to begin with" she smirked and took her seat back again.

"Your brother fiancée, Laura, is really pretty, she looks like she jumped out of a fashion magazine" I pointed out, a frown immediately settled in her face, maybe I should not have said that but a part of me felt nosy, something I have never felt back in America.

"Of course she is, how do you think she managed to seduce my brother" she huffed, folding her hand, she was really putting it out there that she disliked her brother's fiancée "it makes no sense why they are even engaged in the first place"

I kind of agreed with her on that one, Laura was a victim here, she has no idea that the man she is planning to spend the rest of her life with is a serial cheater. My solid guess.

"Would it be safe for me to ask why you do not like her?"

"No" she breathed, she slouched down on her seat, this was one of the few times I have seen her act like a regular girl and not the girl that has to be perfect all the times, this behavior makes her seem more human, and not the perfectly made doll. "Fine, Laura was my tutor once" she revealed and I choked on my eggs immediately.

"What!" I yelled after I had stabilized my breath.

She snickered "never knew you were dramatic Em, that's new— well she was my tutor then she found her way to become my brother's personal assistant and imagine my surprise when I decided to pay her a visit with a gift at work on her first freaking day in the job to find her bent  down in the table and my brother— you know..."

"She fucked your brother on her first day, I guess I am the only one not living on the wild side" to think I was about to spill the details of last night, and I was worried about a girl that has already been scarred.

"Yeah right, coming from someone that almost had sex with Cole" she rolled her eyes and I flinched a bit, Cole and I has not spoken since that day he came over to see me and I was kind of hoping to put that chapter behind me.

"It was the alcohol" I defended but there was no need, Giulia knew what had happened and she was simply taunting me but it does not change the fact that it almost happened and I will have to living with that in my mind for a while, I never expected that I would be one of those people that blamed their mistakes on other things apart from themselves, and from where I stood now, I kind of understood how they felt, it feels difficult for me to just straight out say that I was incredibly horny and my body needed a release, Giulia's eyes would for sure jump out of her body, it would feel like I was the good girl that had gone bad.

"Well you will have a ton of that on this trip" she shrugged "so yeah, Laura and I were really close and she used me to get to my brother end of story. So can we go now" she got up from her seat and I got up as well, I took a final sip of my juice

"Sure" I responded


"Don't freak out" Giulia made an apologetic face as I crashed on my bed feeling completely exhausted, so much for a fun outing today, Giulia definition of fun was shopping for clothes, if I had known that she was planning a shopping spree I would have bothered to even packed my bags, but it was good thing that I did though, Giulia had chosen to acquire clothes that would make clubbing day seem like every normal day.

"What?" I groaned burying my face into the pillow

"We have a party tonight!" She announced excitedly

I groaned louder "No!— you promised"

"I am sorry Em, technically it is not a party, it is just like a bonfire kind of thing on the beach, a small get-together, we would not even spend so much time there, Matteo and Alessandro invited us, it is kind of like a welcome back token"

"A simple cake would have sufficed Giulia, I am completely drained" I cried.

"Pretty please, I do not want to go there by myself" she begged tugging my arm that almost felt lifeless.

"Giulia, how in God's name do you have so much energy in you right now, are you on steroids or something?"

She chuckles " I don't even know what kind of energy I am running on right now"

I lifted my body from the bed "Why are you doing this to me, is this some payback for skipping out in those parties in college?" I questioned.

"Maybe, maybe not" she smiles "But Matteo insisted" she added overly excited, I eyed her, it reminded me when she gave him a love stricken giggle. Giulia might really like this guy.

"Do you have feelings for Matteo or something?" I asked.

Her eyes widens "No!" She responded swiftly, too swift,

"That's a lie"

She sighs and sat on the bed beside me "okay fine, I might be having a crush on him right now, I don't know, he changed a lot since the last time I saw him, it is like he might be on some extra dose of hotness, it is weird but I like it mio Bella"

"You like him for his body, here I was thinking you might be on to something, like a real relationship" I reasoned

She burst out into a fit of laughter "you sound like an elder sister right now, but maybe you should take your own advice, there might be someone in the beach that might tickle your fancy and perhaps you might get some real action and not have to blame alcohol this time around" she joked, I hide my face in the pillow in shame

"You are never going to let the Cole issue go, are you?" I said when I lifted my head back up

"I might, if you accompany me to the beach" she said with a smile tilting her head to the side.

"Fine" I groaned "But I am sticking to just a sweater and a sweatpants, I would prefer my comfortable"

"But—, alright". She raised her hand in surrender and then she squealed happily.

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