Part 3

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I woke up to knocking. I ignored it and tried to sleep further but it just got louder. I finally had enough and unlocked the door. I then went and climbed back in bed. Dua came in with a serious look on her face.

Dua: We need to talk?
Y/n: It's to early Dua.
Dua: It's already 8pm.
Y/n: Still to early 😂
Dua: Please tell me you were joking last night.
Y/n: Yeah sorry. When I get high my body and mind just say stuff.
Dua: Oky good. I'm glad but if there is something you wanna talk about I'm here.
Y/n: Thanks Dua I will.

I don't need her to feel sorry for my disorders and she doesn't need to know them. I need to get out of this house and fast. I don't want to look at her today. Not after last night. I don't regret it, I just can't fall for dua. It's wrong in everyway.

Dua left after our chat and I got a text. It was from my other friend. She is barely here but when she is we usually hang out. Her parents are models and they take her with sometimes. They also usually leave her alone at home. I quickly opened the message.

Hailee: Hi y/n. Long time no speak,     wanna hang at my place? My parents aren't here so we can smoke and drink.

Y/n: Hi Hailee. Yess I would love to.

Hailee: Great see you in a bit.

Y/n: 💓

I got up and locked my door again. I then turned the shower on and went back to my room and got clothes. I also placed some music on and got in the shower. Just as I was in the shower Duas album future nostalgia started to play. Oh well there's no turning back now. I started to shower with low warm water cause of the cuts. After I was done I got out and got ready.

My outfit

I was done and turned my music off

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I was done and turned my music off. I grabbed my phone and quickly ordered a Uber. After the Uber was confirmed I grabbed my special box and placed it in my bag. I went down stairs to find Dua on a call. So I motioned to her that I'm going. She stopped me and handed me a sticky note. Her number was on it and she wrote on it: Call me if you need anything. I nodded at her and my Uber was here. I quickly went out and asked him to stop at the liquor store. He was very friendly and agreed. I quickly ran inside and got a 6 pack of Caribbean twist watermelon flavoured, vodka and a champagne bottle. I then paid and got back inside my Uber.

So Hailee is like me. Her parents are also very rich and always away. Her parents and mine are best friends so that made us automatically best friends since birth. She sended me a code and the Uber dropped me off. Hailee opened the gate and I walked inside with all of my booze. She just laughed before running up to me. I placed it down carefully in the driveway and hugged her tightly. Hailee's parents owns a bunch of horses that are well trained so I was excited to ride again.

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