Part 37

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Duas pov

I started the shower water and went back to find y/n asleep. I kissed her forehead a few times and she woke up.

Dua: Come take a shower please. You can sleep afterwards.

Y/n: Oky.

She stood up and went to take a shower. I decided to not go and sat down on the bed. Il go after her. She peeked her head out of the door and looked at me confused.

Y/n: Aren't you gonna join me?

Dua: I'm going after you.

Y/n: Oh if that makes you comfortable then it's all good then.

Dua: Thanks y/n.

I don't want y/n to get creeped out cause of my period. Its usually bad. So for these few days il shower on my own.

Y/n pov

After I was done showering I went back to our room. I looked through my closet and found my PJs. Dua went and took her shower while I got dressed. I went on my phone while laying back and saw a message from my mom. I decided to quickly answer.

Mom: You still up?

Y/n: Yeah what's up?

Mom: I can tell you why you needed to come to Denmark.

Y/n: Do I not have to come?

Mom: No we will send the paperwork to you. Listen your father bought a new company. He wants you to save it as your first ever job.

Y/n: Why me?

Mom: Cause it's gonna be your new company.

Y/n: Oh. I don't know what to say.

Mom: Yeah. Well think about it. The company's name is sea world. They ran out of money so your father bought it.

Y/n: Oky thanks mom. Let dad know I said thanks. Il go and do more research now to why it's losing business.

Mom: Oky Hun. The papers will arrive later tonight. It's being send by email. You can sign them when you are ready.

Y/n: Oky thanks mom.

I placed my phone down and stood up while walking to my office room. It's where I studied but I like to think it's my office.

This is what it looks like.

I went and sat down while putting on my computer

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I went and sat down while putting on my computer. I logged in and started doing research on sea world. What I found made me shocked.

Dua Lipa X Reader (The Babysitter)Where stories live. Discover now