Part 33

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Just then something touched my foot. I couldn't see what it was but it looked like a snake. I immediately kicked it and screamed while running off the dock. I didn't run away cause y/n still didn't come up. I then heard laughing.

Y/n: Dua 😂😂😂😂

Dua: I thought you we gone y/n.

Y/n: I had to scare you in some way. When I saw you didn't react well to me not coming up I got some plants and touched your foot with it. Have to say damn well job for me 😂

Dua: It was fucking you? You better start swimming.

Y/n pov

Dua ran and jumped inside. She came up immediately and panicked cause of the cold water. I swam over to her and held her in my hands so that she can calm down.

Dua: How are you so calm? This water is freezing cold.

Y/n: I'm used to cold water Dua 😂

Dua: My body feels a bit stiff. I can't move my legs

Y/n: I have a solution.

I kissed Dua and she kissed me back. Her tongue made its way in my mouth without some teasing. I could feel my body heating up and I knew this was heating Dua up. We had to pull away for air and Duas legs wrapped around my waist.

Y/n: You warm yet?

Dua: No not yet.

Y/n: Your lying 😂

Dua: It was worth the try.

Y/n: You shouldn't have to lie to get a kiss from me.

Dua: Yeah I know 😂

I gave Dua a quick peck before we made our way back to the dock. We got out and Dua was shivering. I gave her my jacket and quickly dressed myself. I leaned over to Dua and grabbed a lighter from my jacket. I quickly made us a small fire and we sat down on the grass. I held Dua close to me after she was done dressing herself.

Dua: Are you cold?

Y/n: No not really. Are you?

Dua: I am starting to warm up.

Y/n: That's good.

Dua: Can we talk about it?

Y/n: Talk about?

Dua: What happened when you were five?

Y/n: Yeah.

I told Dua what happened and she just leaned closer into me.

Y/n: So yeah that's basically it.

Dua: I'm sorry you had to go through that y/n. I wouldn't wish that on my worse enemy.

Y/n: Thanks Dua. I'm trying to forget about it but everytime I see them it's like they bring back the memory.

Dua: Yeah I totally understand. Don't worry I'm here to protect you and your heart.

Y/n: Thanks Dua.

We stayed there for a while before going back to the group. We were all sitting next to our friends and loved ones. Hailee and Anya was sitting next to each other. Sarah and Micheal were a thing so they were sitting next to each other. Jay and Chloe were also close and sat together. Dua layed on my shoulder while I was leaning down on my elbows. We were together in each others embrace.

Dua: Are you tired Hun?

Y/n: Yeah a little.

Dua: We will go to bed early today.

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