Part 34

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It was Anya. I quickly looked up and saw she had a worried look on her face.

Y/n: Please don't be more bad news.

Anya: Hailee is sick.

Dua: Oh no. What is her symptoms?

Anya: She is a bit dizzy and nauseous.

Y/n: So it's either dehydration or low iron.

Anya: Well how do we fix it?

Y/n: Here give her some of my meds and a bottle of water.

I got out my iron pills and a water bottle for Anya. I handed it to her and she smiled before taking it and leaving. Dua quickly zipped the tent back up before all of the warm air escaped. She came and lay down beside me.

Dua: I didn't know you had low iron?

Y/n: Oh yeah I do. Sorry for not telling you.

Dua: It's okay. Also I haven't seen you taking the pills like ever.

Y/n: I take them some days. When I feel my iron is very low I would take them. I feel like a robot when I take them and tend to zone out a lot so I don't like taking them.

Dua: Oh makes sense. I'm glad that you told me.

Y/n: Pleasure Dua.

Dua scooted closer to me and layed her head on my shoulder. I placed my arms around her and held her close as we both drifted off to sleep.


We woke up and quickly started to pack while Micheal made us a small breakfast on the fire. Hailee looked better today and after everything was packed we sat down and ate.

Y/n: Are you feeling better Hailee?

Hailee: Yeah thanks y/n. I think it's my iron.

Y/n: Well after we eat you can take another one.

Hailee: Thanks y/n.

Dua: Are you gonna take one aswel?

Y/n: I don't really want to but yeah I have to.

Dua: Just be safe while your driving.

Y/n: When am I not? 😊

I gave her a big smile and she just rolled her eyes at me. Ah bish

Y/n: Keep rolling those eyes. They may stay back there.

Dua: Yeah yeah what ever 😂

Y/n: Its true 😂

We hit the road after finishing up. Me and Hailee both took a pill for our iron and was driving next to each other. Today we are very close to la and were relaxing while driving.

Hailee: Are you excited?

Y/n: Yeah. I can't wait to sleep for the whole week 😂

Hailee: Same. I'm so tired.

Y/n: You know you can stay at my house? You don't have to go live in a hotel.

Hailee: Thanks y/n but I don't want to invade you and Dua any longer.

Y/n: Your not invading. Plus Anya is staying with us aswel. She is gonna help me with the new horse. Remember we have a few guest houses around the property that we were gonna use as a estate. You can stay in one of them.

Hailee: Thanks y/n. I really appreciate it. You do know I have my own house in la? 😂

Y/n: It's my pleasure Hailee and Yess I know but I'm sure you want to spend more time with me 😊

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