Part 31

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I ran Dua a bath with some bubble bath. I went back to check up on her. She was very tired and looked like she was sleeping. I went to her and shook her lightly.

Y/n: Let me take care of you. It's the least I can do after ruining you.

Dua: Oky but you have to carry me.

Y/n: Oky come on.

I picked her up bridal style and took her to the bathroom. I slowly lowered her into the bathtub and stopped the water. I sat down on the side of the tub.

Y/n: How are you feeling?

Dua: Tired but I have to say that was the best I've ever felt.

Y/n: I'm glad 😊.

Dua: Aren't you going to join me?

Y/n: Do you want me to?

Dua: Yeah kinda.

Dua didn't have to say another word and i started to undress. I climbed into the bath before laying back. Me and Dua were facing each other. Her hands went to mine and she compared them. Hers was a bit bigger than mine. She just giggled before holding them.

Dua: Were almost in la.

Y/n: Yeah. Just one more night.

Dua: What are you more excited about.The camp night or la?

Y/n: Both. I'm excited to ride on the beach with you.

Dua: That sounds nice but I'm not gonna be home that much.

Y/n: Yeah I know. It's just a nice thought.

Dua: I promise I will take one day off so that we can go ride on the beach.

Y/n: You don't have to dua. You have been on a vacation for almost a month. You have to put that last bit of strength into your work.

Dua: Your so supportive 😊

Y/n: Well the people you love you should never hold back but push them forward.

Dua: Wise words. Can I go sleep now?

Y/n: Yeah let's get to bed.

I helped Dua get out of the bath. I dressed her and took her to bed. I tucked her in and someone knocked on the door. I quickly went and opened it. It was the sushi and the wine. I thanked them and took it inside. Dua was awake still but very sleepy. I went over to her and sat down. I placed the food Infront of her and handed her a wine glass.

Y/n: You didn't eat much today so eat and drink some wine. We can go to sleep when your done.

Dua: Oky luv.

I turned the TV on and we watched stranger things while eating our food. I turned and looked at Dua. She caught me staring and I smiled before looking away. She just giggled before we continued to watch the show in peace.

Dua: Thank you for taking care of me.

Y/n: It's my pleasure love 😊

Dua: How long is tomorrows ride?

Y/n: It's the shortest one. We will arrive at 12 pm.

Dua: That sounds amazing. We can rest more then.

Y/n: Yeah. I'm gonna take a dip in the lake when we get there.

Dua: There is a lake?

Y/n: Yeah.

Dua: I've never swam in a lake with someone. I've only swam in a lagoon.

Y/n: Well you can join me tomorrow.

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