Part 8

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A early chapter isn't hurting anyone?

A bit of teasing is fun 😉

We went inside and saw my mom sitting on the couch. I went and greeted her immediately.

Mom: Hi y/n where have you guys been?
Y/n: Hi mom. I showed Dua my car and we went for a late night drive.
Mom: You guys seemed like you had fun. Did you dress up for the day?
Dua: Yeah it was. Yeah we did a theme dress up for today.
Y/n: So mom what are you doing here?
Mom: I came to check up on my daughter. I'm going back first thing in the morning.
Y/n: That is so sweet of you thanks mom.
Mom: Anyways y/n did you see what's up on Netflix?
Y/n: What is?
Mom: A new documentary. It's about Ed and Lorraine Warren dealing with the devil.
Y/n: I'm so gonna watch it.
Mom: I'm going to bed so maybe Dua can watch it with you?
Dua: Yeah it will be my pleasure.

My mom told us goodnight before going to her room. Dua fell down next to me and sighed hard in relief.

Y/n: Were you that nervous?
Dua: Yeah idk your parents.
Y/n: Dua I can tell my mom we are dating and she will be chill about it. It's my dad you have to worry about.
Dua: So if we ever decide to date we know what parent to tell?
Y/n: Yeah.

(Author's note. I'm going to do that thick text when I feel like it's too crowded. It's not always gonna be like that)

Me and Dua snuggled up close and I went to Netflix. I saw the new documentary and played it. Halfway through the movie Dua fell asleep. How can she fall asleep? This documentary is so scary. I decided not to question it further and paused the movie. I turned the TV off and wrapped Dua in a blanket. I placed my phone down so that it was facing us and I pressed record. I then picked Dua up and grabbed my phone to record her sleeping in my arms. I took her to her room and ended the video. I moved her bedsheets and placed her down. I then covered her and tucked her in. I gave her a light kiss on the forehead before walking out.

I went to my room and decided to shower. I got my PJs and went to my bathroom. I heard a light knock on my door and opened it. It was sleepy Dua. I moved out of the way so that she can come into my room.

Dua: Did you carry me to my room?
Y/n: Yeah. Why aren't you sleeping l?
Dua: I felt a light kiss on my forehead so I can't sleep now.
Y/n: Don't know what your talking about.
Dua: I am to tired to argue with you now.
Y/n: Sorry. Go lay in my bed Ill come now. Just gonna take a quick shower.
Dua: Sorry il leave.
Y/n: Dua you can stay. Il be quick.
Dua: Oky.

Dua went and sat on my bed. She went on her phone and I jumped in the shower. I washed my hair and my body quickly before getting out. I got dressed and sprayed myself with my fav parfums. I then went over to Dua.

Dua: That was quick.
Y/n: Yeah.
Dua: Can I dry your hair?
Y/n: Yeah you can.

We went over to my hair dryer. It was at my "makeup station".

 It was at my "makeup station"

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