Part 15

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Me and Hailee went outside so that I can show her the appaloosa.

Hailee: Listen if everyone is gonna invite someone then I need to book the whole arcade.

Y/n: I will do that then don't worry. Also road trip talk. Do you still have that extra suit and gear?

Hailee: Oky thanks. Yess I do?

Y/n: Can Dua use it? I have this whole plan for the trip.

Hailee: Yeah sure. What's the plan?

Y/n: Thanks Hailee. Yess so basically we will stop 3 times at different hotels. Il book us someone that will meet us there with our luggage at each hotel so that we don't have to worry about that. It's gonna take us 4 days and a half to get there so it works out perfectly. We will camp one night under the stars.

Hailee: We have done this before so yeah it can. Remember when we did it in highschool?

Y/n: Yeah it was fun. I am thinking we are leaving in 2 days. Like after tomorrow.

Hailee: That gives Dua enough time to rest for a day and make it in time for all her projects.

Y/n: Yeah. Are we gonna meet at my house like always? The whole biker gang?

Hailee: Yess we can. Your driveway is massive so it will work. Just inform the guys that Dua will be coming with and that no one must share her location or post about her without her permission.

Y/n: Yess I will do that.

We arrived at the rounding pen and Hailee was amazed at the horses. Oh and our biker crew is Chloe (Very social), Dan ( Head of crew. Very mature) Sarah ( Sweet), Jay ( Gay and funny asf), Nicolene ( sweet but cool) and then Micheal ( Loves music and plays ukulele)

Hailee: Il call my team to let them check if pegasus is flash.

Y/n: Thanks. Can I have the arcades number.

Hailee: Yeah here.

She gave me the number and I called them while walking away. I booked us the entire arcade from 8pm-1am. They sended me the booking details and I payed them. Me and Hailee went inside after a while.

Dua: You guys were quick.

Y/n: Yeah.

Hailee: Oky so il send you guys the details now.

Y/n: Hailee I booked us from 8 till 1

Olivia: You booked the whole arcade?!

Y/n: Yeah I did.

Billie: How? I heard that they don't do that?

Y/n: Well my parents own it. I still pay them tho.

Olivia: Well now I'm glad I'm your friend. 😂

Dua: We mustn't use y/n for her parents places.

Billie: I agree Dua. 😂

Y/n: Guys I love to spoil y'all. So I really don't mind.

Dua: Oky y/n just be careful to who you grant these privileges.

Y/n: Yeah I know. Also dua when do you need to be in la?

Dua: In 5 days why?

Y/n: Just asking 😂

Dua: Well I'm going to head home to get ready for tonight. You coming?

Y/n: Yeah sure. Hailee check if it is flash and let me know.

Hailee: Will do that.

Y/n: Thanks

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