Part 22

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Guess who is back? 😂 I've finally returned after my short break. Il update still slow but I promise y'all I'm trying. Lol not me returning to early 😂😂

She then left me, standing there melted in a puddle. She giggled and gave me a smirk as she walked over to the couch.

Y/n: You ready to go?

Dua: Yeah.

We were gonna take the bike and y/n is driving. We went to the garage and placed our helmets on. We then took off to the restaurant. I gave y/n directions while she was driving. My mind kept going back to the moment where I got lost in her eyes. Maybe she finally realized the power she has over me? Maybe it's cause we are having sex tonight? What if she only wants sex with me and then leaves? Il just tell her I have my period or something.

Y/n pov

We arrived at the restaurant and Dua got off. She has been silent this whole time and it worries me.

Y/n: Dua?

Dua: Yeah?

Y/n: You've been silent this whole time and it's not you. So what's up?

Dua: I don't know.

Y/n: Second thoughts?

Dua: No not at all. I got my period at the gas station.

Y/n: Oh I wouldn't know how that feels 😂.

Dua: What do you mean? Have you never got one?

Y/n: I did have it once but I removed it. I don't want to birth children.

Dua: That's understandable 😂.

Y/n: Also don't worry about tonight Hun. Sex is supposed to come naturally and not planned. I'm actually a bit glad that you have your period cause planned sex isn't natural. No offense.

Dua: No I totally understand that y/n. Well if your happy then I'm happy 😊.

Duas pov

Now I feel bad for assuming she was only using me for sex cause she isn't. She was glad that I have my period so that the planned sex can go away. That shows me she isn't using me for sex or well I hope not. I really like her and I don't want to mess this up.

I took her inside and the waiter took us to the table. I've only been here a few times and it's gonna be y/n second time being here. I held her hand under the table that was decorated in candles and roses.

Dua: I'm so glad you agreed to come.

Y/n: Of course Dua. Anything for you.

Dua: So this is gonna be your second time here?

Y/n: Yeah the first time I don't know what to order so I just drank some wine while everyone ate 😂.

Dua: You haven't tried their food yet?

Y/n: No sorry I haven't.

Dua: Well then your definitely gonna try it this time.

Y/n: Alright. Your choosing though cause I don't know what anything is.

Dua: Oh I will trust me 😂.

The waiter came and I gave them the order. I ordered us both a sheppard pie. It's one of my favs and I really think y/n would like it. I also got us some wine to go with it.

Y/n pov

I don't know what Sheppard pie is. I hope it's nice.

Y/n: Do I need to worry about Sheppard pie?

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