Part 5

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I woke up before Dua was up and went downstairs. I started on making breakfast. I made us some eggs with bacon and toast. I also made her some tea cause I know she loves tea. I don't know why I'm doing this but something in me wants to get better. Like I woke up feeling like shit and I know I have to eat now. I'm going to keep it healthy and start eating again. Only I can make the choice on getting better. Dua was still sleeping so I took her breakfast to her. I also placed her tea on the bedside table. I then went downstairs and started to eat my breakfast. It was hard not to vomit it out but it's the first step.

Duas pov

I woke up to the smell of bacon. I saw breakfast on my side and some tea. Wow y/n you've impressed me. I went downstairs to thank her but saw her eating. She looked at the food in disgust but ate it anyway. So she has a ED and she lied about it. I don't know why she was eating again but I'm proud of her.I went back to my room and grabbed my breakfast before going down to join her.

Y/n pov

Dua came downstairs and her hair was a mess. I just started laughing at her and she just giggled at me before sitting next to me.

Dua: Ignore my hair. Thanks for the breakfast.
Y/n: Your hair is a mess 😂. Also it's my pleasure.
Dua: When is Hailee coming?
Y/n: Any minute now.
Dua: What are we going to do at her house exactly?
Y/n: Let me just ask this. Are you afraid of horses?
Dua: No. I have my own horse how would I be afraid of them?
Y/n: That's all I needed to know.

The doorbell rang and I jumped up. I went and opened the door and immediately hugged Hailee.

Hailee: Y/n your going to make me cry.
Y/n: I don't want you to leave.
Hailee: I have to. Oh hi Dua.
Dua: So your Hailee. The one working with my friend dove.
Hailee: Yepp.

Hailee gave me the keys and I hugged her one last time.

Dua: I see y/n likes you a lot.
Hailee: Yeah. We are best friends since birth.
Dua: Ah I see. Well it was nice to meet you Hailee. Y/n has been very kind to me since she came back from yours. She even made us some breakfast.
Hailee: Wow y/n.
Dua: I'm going to leave you two to talk.
Y/n: Thanks Dua.

I went outside and closed the door. Hailee looked at me with a serious face on.

Hailee: Did you tell her?
Y/n: No not yet. I am going to today.
Hailee: Oky goodluck on that. Also you never make breakfast. Why the sudden change?
Y/n: I don't know. I want to get better after Dua saw my arms yesterday.
Hailee: How did she see your arms?
Y/n: At the bar one of the ladies hitted on me and when I walked away she grabbed my arm and rolled up my sleeves.
Hailee: What a dick?
Y/n: Yeah luckily Dua was there and punched the girl. She took me home and cleaned my wounds.
Hailee: Looks like little Dua there has a crush on you.
Y/n: Do you really think so?
Hailee: I know so. How are you feeling about her?
Y/n: I kinda like her too but don't tell her.
Hailee: I won't don't worry. I'm glad your moving on from don.
Y/n: Thanks Hailee.
Hailee: Listen I have to go now.
Y/n: Oh oky.

She hugged me and then left. I'm excited to see her in 2 weeks and to hear all of the drama. I went back inside to Dua and sat back down next to her.

Dua: I like her.
Y/n: Yeah she is the best.
Dua: So when are we leaving?
Y/n: How about now? Let's get dressed and then leave.
Dua: Sounds good. I'm driving tho.
Y/n: Didn't say that I want to 😂

We both went to our rooms and got dressed.

I wore this

I wore this

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