Part 14

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Duas pov

I went inside and the team hooked me to mics and headphones immediately. I greeted everyone after they were done. I went inside and we started immediately. I hate it when places are like this. Like talk to me first. I wanna know how your day was stuff like that. I saw y/n come in after we started.

Y/n pov

She said that she doesn't like chocolate ice cream. She hates it! Why did she then order it at doves party? She must be lying. She said it was good and that she liked it. Did she feel forced to get it? Did I force her? I feel like pulling a Houdini at the moment. I pulled out my phone and messaged Hailee.

Y/n: You know what. Sure let's go get coffee.

Hailee: What changed your mind?

Y/n: Nothing it's just boring here.

Hailee: Can I invite some new friends with?

Y/n: Yeah sure. Meet at our fav?

Hailee: Yeah. I'm already in my car 😂

Y/n: I'm on my way.

I decided to message Dua to let her know I'm going to meet up with Hailee.

Y/n: Hailee just asked me if I want to go for a coffee. Can I go?

Dua: Yeah. Il be fine.

Y/n: Thanks

I walked out to my bike. I got on and sped off. I arrived after a short drive and there was papz everywhere. What the hell? Who did Hailee invite? Or is this cause of her? Damn good job Hailee. I got off my bike and went inside after taking my helmet off. I took it with me just in case. Hailee saw me and called me over. So I went and greeted her.

Y/n: Wow you got the whole world outside 😂

Hailee: It's not for me. Its for Billie and Olivia.

Y/n: Wait what!?

Billie: Hi y/n

Y/n: Oh hi Billie. It's nice to see you again.

I went and shook her hand. I saw Olivia and she immediately hugged me.

Olivia: It's so great to finally meet you y/n. Hailee has told me a lot about you.

Y/n: Well I hope only good stuff. It's nice to meet you aswel Olivia.

We all sat down. I sat next to Billie and Olivia sat next to Hailee. The waiter quickly came and took our order. Me and Hailee had our usual and the others aswel. The lady left and we started to socialize.

Billie: So y/n. You came quick?

Y/n: Yeah I was just at the radio station with dua.

Olivia: It must have been nice? Seeing how everything works?

Y/n: Yeah it was actually quite boring sorry 😂

Billie: Someone had to say it 😂. The way they treat us? They just want us for fame 😂.

Y/n: Wait really?

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