Part 39

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Duas pov

I've decided to not go sleep at billies  house. She asked me to but I need to sort things out with y/n. The gala was nice and all but Hailee wouldn't talk to me at all. Anya gave me the house keys while we were talking. Hailee stood there but only talked to Anya.

Dua: Where is y/n?

Anya: She is safe that's all you need to know. She asked me to give you the house and gate keys so that you can still stay there.

Dua: Why wouldn't you tell me where she is?

Anya: Cause she asked me not to tell anyone. She need a break.

Hailee: So not even I get to know. Great. Fucking great. I don't even know where my best friend is but you get to know.

Anya: I'm sorry Hailee but I'm just doing as I'm told.

Dua: I'm sorry Hailee.

Anya: You shouldn't say sorry to Hailee. You should fix this by figuring out a way to get away from that man.

Dua: I know and I've contacted warner bros about this. We are already figuring out a way to get past this.

Hailee: Past this. Fucking sue your manager for doing this and get your rights back to the album. If I were you I would bought back all of my songs and fire your team.

Dua: Now your speaking to me. Also your idea might actually work.

Anya: Yeah well Hailee did a lot of research into this and I would do it if I were you. I would be my own boss if it comes to this music industry.

Hailee: That's what I am.

Dua: Even if you guys are mad at me I'm very grateful for the advice.

Anya: I thought she is gonna stay away but I guess not.

Dua: What?

Hailee: Y/n is here. Wait why is she here and how?

I looked over to see y/n in a suit. She is with someone but I couldn't tell who since their back was facing me.

Y/n pov

Ava begged me to come with her to the gala since she is scared of her ex. She needed to come and I couldn't say no. I've seen what her ex is capable of and needed to help her even if it meant giving the girls the wrong expression.

Ava: Do I look okay?

Y/n: Yeah. You look amazing.

Ava: You seem tense? What's wrong?

Y/n: I'm dating someone that is here and I don't want them to see me since they kinda cheated on me and I need a break from them. It's a long story.

Ava: That's why you were hesitant to come. I'm so sorry for bringing you here. You should've told me. I wouldn't have brought you with me if I knew you would be this tense.

Y/n: Ava it's fine. I'm okay and don't worry about me. I'm here to help you.

I gave her a soft smile and she hugged me. It was a short hug since both of us didn't want to give the wrong impression out. I saw Dua glaring at us and Hailee with a confused face. Anya just looked at us a bit confused before telling Dua something.

Duas pov

I looked at y/n who caught me staring. She gave me a fake smile and I got angry. Is this her way of getting back at me? I looked at the girl with a angry glare and saw who is was. It was ava.

Anya: Don't you dare go over to them Dua. It's probably something else than what you are thinking right now.

Dua: I'm not thinking anything?

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