Part 23

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We arrived shortly after and went inside. The others was at the bar but I wasn't in a mood to hang out so we went to our room.

Dua: I know you said your tired and you want to sleep but can I please give you a massage.

Y/n: Yeah sure but if I fall asleep then I'm sorry.

Dua: Yess. Go to our room and take off your t-shirt. Il go get my cream.

Y/n: Alright Dua.

I went over to our room and did what Dua asked. I layed down on my stomach so that she can massage my back.

After what seems like forever of staying awake Dua came in with her PJs and ready for bed. She also brought the cream with her.

Dua: I thought you will be changed in your PJs?

Y/n: I can quickly change.

Dua: Hurry up you have a big day tomorrow 😂.

I jumped up and Dua just giggled cause I was half naked. I quickly took the rest of my clothes off and jumped into my PJs without my top. I then fell down on the bed and Dua just giggled before straddling me. She bend down to my shoulders and kissed them before applying the cream. It was freezing cold and I arched my back.

Dua: Sorry 😂

Y/n: Warn me next time 😂

Dua: I will don't worry 😂

We had a good laugh about it before Dua started to massage my back and shoulders. I felt the tense on my shoulder release and that felt good.

Y/n: Tomorrow we are gonna stay at my favorite hotel.

Dua: What makes it your favorite?

Y/n: The room I always pick has a pool table and bar in it.

Dua: Now that sounds like fun. I can't play pool though.

Y/n: Il go easy on you.

Dua: What does that mean?

Y/n: That I'm pretty good at it.

Dua: You know normal people usually say il teach you don't worry.

Y/n: What's normal about me? 😂

Dua: That's true.

I started laughing and so did Dua. She then went back to massaging my back and I started to drift off to sleep.

Dua pov

I was talking to y/n and I saw that she got sleepy. So I stopped talking to her and she fell asleep. My poor baby is so tired after today. I continued the massage until I got all the knots out of her shoulders and back. I could hear her groan in her sleep cause it was hurting her. After I was done I put her to bed and crept in next to her. I decided to hold her this time.

Time passes. It's now like 2am

I can't fall asleep at all. I'm a bit worried about y/n paying for everything and everyone. Also the fact that she is scared to have sex with me. My mind is not shutting off and I really want to sleep. Y/n is sleeping so peacefully and I am trying my best not to wake her. She needs this rest more than I do but I really want her to hold me.

Y/n pov

I woke up a bit when I turned my back to Dua. Is she still awake? Why isn't she sleeping? I decided to just hold her and see if she will accept it.

Dua: Did I wake you?

Y/n: No not at all. Why aren't you sleeping?

Dua: I just can't fall asleep.

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