Part 28

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Hailee left the room and I went over to Dua. I sat down beside her and started drinking my coffee.

Dua: How long is today's drive?

Y/n: I think seven hours.

Dua: That's so long.

Y/n: Yeah. Don't worry you and Anya can get to know each other.

Dua: What do you mean?

Y/n: My mom sended my Porsche. Anya is gonna drive and your going with her.

Dua: That's so sweet of your mom. I have one question though.

Y/n: Yeah what's up?

Dua: How are we gonna camp if the camping stuff is in abi's car?

Y/n: I didn't think of that.

I picked my phone up and texted Anya.

Y/n: Hey. Is abi's car keys in your room?

Anya: Let me check.

Anya: Yeah it's here.

Y/n: Oky il come and get them after I'm done eating. I wanna get the camping stuff.

Anya: Alrighty.

I placed my phone down and picked up my breakfast sandwich. I took a bite and Dua looked at me with a confused look.

Y/n: Yeah?

Dua: I don't mind sleeping on the floor tomorrow night.

Y/n: Dua your not sleeping on the floor ever. That's cruel. We have abi's car keys. We are gonna move the stuff to my car.

Dua: Oh okay. It's not cruel. Anwar once forgot the stretchers when we went camping and he made me sleep on the floor while he took the back of the truck.

How can Dua not see that is toxic as fuck. He mistreated Dua in every way and she still cares for this man. Is she still inlove with him or something?

Y/n: That's just cruel. No lady should ever be treated that way.

I finished my breakfast and cleaned up. Dua was also done and I took her stuff away for her.

Dua: Do you need help moving the stuff?

Y/n: No it's okay. Il manage.

Dua: Something is off with you today?

Y/n: It's nothing don't worry.

I gave her a light kiss on the forehead and gave her the painkillers before going to Anya's room. I knocked and she immediately let me inside.

Anya: Here is the keys.

Y/n: Thanks.

Anya: Do you need any help?

Y/n: No it's alright I can do this myself.

Anya: Oky.

I left and went to the reception. I asked them if my car keys was dropped here and the lady handed it to me. I went to the basement and saw my Porsche next to abi's car. I unlocked my car and opened the front hoot and the boot. I went and opened abi's car aswel and started to move everything over to my car. I kept on thinking about Dua and how she can't see what Anwar did to her was wrong. A man should never treat a woman like that. I was so lost in thought that I didn't even hear Hailee come in and talk to me. She touched my shoulder to get my attention and I jumped in fright.

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