Part 24

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She then immediately gave me a kiss. The kiss was full of hunger and lust. It's like she waited her whole life for this kiss and I gave into her demands immediately by kissing her back. I tapped her thighs and she jumped into my arms. I held her by her ass and she continued to kiss me. Once we pulled away I swung us around a few times. Dua was giggling while she buried her face in my neck. Leaving kisses now and then.

Dua: How am I so lucky?

Y/n: I can ask the same.

Dua: Your just saying that.

Y/n: I mean it Dua. Like damn how am I so lucky to have someone as special as you,Someone as beautiful as you, Someone as cute as you, Someone as brave as you, Someone as kindhearted as you, Someone as..

Dua cutted me of with a kiss and I knew what she was trying to do but it's not gonna work. I pulled away and looked her dead in her eyes.

Y/n: I'm serious Dua. How am I so lucky?

Dua: Cause I like you. It also sounds like someone is a little obsessed with me?

Y/n: You? Always. How can I not be? Your the love of my life so I have every right to be obsessed.

Dua: Your so cute.

Y/n: Am I now?

Dua: Yess very much.

She gave me a light kiss on the forehead and I placed her down. She was still taller than me and it made me laugh a little.

Dua: Why are you laughing?

Y/n: I'm so short 😂

Dua: I find it cute. Plus you have to look up to look me in the eyes.

Y/n: Yeah but it's funny cause you have to look down 😂. How's your neck not sore yet? 😂

Dua: Well it's getting a bit sore.

Y/n: Ahh bitch.

Dua started to run and I chased after her. I may be small but I am fast. She tried climbing over the couch but I jumped her in a hug preventing her from going away. Dua stopped trying to get away and hugged me closer. She layed down and I fell on top of her. I tried to get away but she held me close.

Dua: Settle now. Don't you want some cuddles?

Y/n: Cuddles? Everyday.

I went and layed next to her while half of my body was on her. She held me close in her arms and I played with her hair.

Dua: I haven't seen your eyes so close up and damn they are gorgeous. Those blue ocean eyes have a huge spark in them.

Y/n: Thanks Dua. Your dark chocolate brown eyes I always found so beautiful. Also blue eyes are half a curse cause our eyes get easily hurt in the sun.

Dua: That's why you always wear sunglasses?

Y/n: Yeah I wear them occasionally when I know it's gonna be sunny and hot outside. It's perfect to live in London cause it's always cloudy.

Dua: Yeah that's actually very smart. You should wear some of mine when we get to la.

Y/n: I would love to.

Dua hugged me closer and I plant a few kisses on her nose and jawline. I saw her cheeks lit up in a blush and it made me smile. I have a huge effect on her by doing the bare small things.

Dua: We should go down for dinner.

Y/n: Can't we stay in?

Dua:You told Hailee that you were gonna go so let's go.

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