Part 26

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The all looked at me to stunned to speak. I just giggled and walked over to the bar for a drink. I decided to make my famous mango cocktail.

Dua pov

How? How the hell did she just beat Hailee in one minute and thirty seconds. How the hell is she so good? I showed Hailee and Anya and they both gasped. Y/n just walked away to get herself a drink while we were to stunned to speak.

Dua: How the fuck did she just do that?

Hailee: She surprise me more everyday.

Anya: She got better. Her first record was ten minutes. Her second was four and now it's fucking one and a half.

I decided to go to y/n to tell her the new record. She could be on the world record for fastest pool game ever played. I saw her making a drink.

Y/n pov

Y/n: Hey Dua.

Dua: How the hell did you do it?

Y/n: A lot of practice. Anyways you want some of y/n most famous mango cocktail?

Dua: Yeah sure.

Hailee and Anya came over to us and they both had a huge smile on their faces.

Y/n: Oh no what is it?

Hailee: Let's call the girls over. Sarah and Chloe. Then we are gonna play truth or drink.

Dua: I'm in. Y/n?

Y/n: Fine but you guys are walking yourself back to your own room. I'm not carrying you again Hailee.

Hailee: Yeah don't worry. Anya will Carry me back.

Anya: I will most certainly not.

Y/n: Speaking about rooms. Anya do you have one?

Anya: No not yet. The hotel is fully booked.

Hailee: Why don't she take Abigail's room?

Y/n: Only if you want to?

Anya: Yeah sure.

Y/n: What are you doing tomorrow?

Anya: I am off the entire week.

Y/n: Why don't you join the road trip. We have three spare rooms in our la house. You can stay with us for a while?

Anya: That sounds amazing. Thanks y/n.

Hailee: Yaay we can hang out more with Anya. Oh y/n pegasus arrived at your la house.

Y/n: Was it rain?

Hailee: No it wasn't, but I have some news for you.

Y/n: Yeah?

Hailee: One of my friends doesn't want her horse anymore. He is a showjumper but she is moving and can't take him with. I've also sended him to your house if that was okay?

Y/n: Yess thanks Hailee. I will work with him when we get there and see what's his potential.

Anya: Anyways lets call the girls.

Y/n: Oky you guys do that. I'm gonna finish making us these cocktails.

Hailee: Is it your wold famous mango ones?

Y/n: Yeah. I'm making me and Dua one each. You've had to many of them already.

Anya: I haven't tried it yet?

I just signed and finished the mango cocktails. I handed mine to Anya and Duas to her.

Dua: Wow y/n this is amazing.

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