Part 10

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She picked up immediately.


Y/n: Hi miss.

Cheri: Hi y/n how's it going? Also we talked about the miss thing. You can call me Cheri.

Y/n: Oh yeah sorry I forgot. It's going alright. I'm at your house. Hailee gave me the spare keys to come ride when ever I want to and I found a wild stallion.

Cheri: Yeah what about him Hun?

Y/n: I hope it's not much to ask. Can he stay here. Il train him and take care of him financially.

Cheri: Yess of course Hun. Don't worry about the financial part. Your like our daughter. Just be safe with him.

Y/n: Thanks so much Cheri.

Cheri: Its my pleasure Hun. Is there something else I can help you with?

Y/n: Yeah. Did you know I was adopted?

Cheri: I was afraid this day will come. How did you find out?

Y/n: I saw the papers. Can you please tell me anything that you know?

Cheri: Hunny your old parents abused you. They were friends of your dad and he saw they way they were treating you. He decided to take you away from them and adopted you on the spot. You and Hailee was still friends since birth cause I gave birth next to your real mom. She was one of  my friends aswel. We were a group of 3 couples and when your father took you away he sended them away to jail for child abuse and he made sure they stay there for a long time.

Y/n: Wow that's a lot to take in.

Cheri: Yeah I know it is hunny. Your parents get sad every time they see the scar on your face.

Y/n: So that's where I got it from?

Cheri: Yeah your mother threw you against a wall when you were younger.

Y/n: Unbelievable. Thanks Cheri for telling me.

Cheri: It's my pleasure hun. Goodluck with the stallion and see you in 3 months.

Y/n: Thanks again Cheri for letting him stay here.

Cheri: Its my pleasure Hun.

We ended the call and I got a wave of happiness. I am actually very glad that I'm adopted now. Now that I know how my parents was with me. I'm glad I have such amazing parents now.

I looked over at the stallion. I decided to go to him by the fence. He came to me again and let me touch his nose without bolting away.

Y/n: You are gonna need a name. How about cloud? Yess cloud can work.
Dua: I think cloud is a overrated name 😂

I turn around and Dua is standing right behind me. I threw my hands over her shoulders and pull her tight in a hug. She grabbed my waist in a hug and I'm happy she is here with me. We pulled away and I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. She smiled at me and blushed a little.

Dua: Wanna try again?
Y/n: I would love to.

I leaned in and she met me half way. Our faces was inches apart and I could feel her breath on my lips. She looked down at my lips before leaning in. Just then the stallion kicked the fence and we both jumped back. Why is everything stopping us from having a moment together? When I finally have confidence to kiss Dua something happens. I went back to see why the stallion kicked the fence and saw it was cause there was a massive gecko.

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