Part 13

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To a new beginning we cheered. Oh I forgot to mention. Me and Dua are currently on my balcony with wine in our hand. We decided to hit the reset button on us and get to know each other better.

Dua: So miss what's your name if I may ask?
Y/n: It's y/n. You are?
Dua: Oh I'm Dua.

We both bursted out laughing. We only got 3 weeks left and we decided to spend everyday together.

Y/n: Maybe a bit further than that Dua 😂
Dua: I agree. Listen I have to go to BBC for a interview. Do you wanna join?
Y/n: Yeah sure.
Dua: We will leave at 1.

It's only 8 am now and that gives us a lot of time to do what ever we wanted.
Dua decided to go and make us breakfast and I sat in my room busy on my laptop. I've been thinking of getting a bike. I really like a Yamaha r6. I decided to text my mom about it.


Y/n: Hi mom. Hope everything is going good with the business. Listen I wanna ask you if it's okay if I can get a bike?

Mom: Hi y/n. Yess everything is going great over here and yeah sure you can get a bike.

Y/n: Thanks mom.

Mom: Just get the gear aswel. I don't want you dead on the street please.

Y/n: Oky I will thanks mom.

End of chat

I jumped up and screamed in excitement. I then ran down and Dua was busy placing the food in the plates. She saw me and smiled.

Dua: Hey I was just about to call you? Why are you so excited?

Y/n: I'm getting a bike.

Dua: Really?

Y/n: Yeah!

Dua: Well congrats y/n. When can you go get it?

Y/n: Wel I was thinking before we go to the interview. I asked my mom and she said that I can get one. I already have on in mind so yaay.

Dua: Yess we will go. Can you order it online? Like the bike and gear?

Y/n: That's what I'm gonna check now. Wanna go through with me?

Dua: Yeah let's do it.

I rushed up stairs and grabbed my laptop before coming down. I placed my laptop down on the couch and grabbed my food from the kitchen. Dua was laughing at how silly I was and sat down next to me. I opened the laptop and started to look through the options while eating. We decided my theme is going to be purple since it was one of my fav colors. We found these options.

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Dua Lipa X Reader (The Babysitter)Where stories live. Discover now